Implementing Instruction with Metaverse: Insights from the TRINGO Concept

Hasan Hasan, Dedi Kuswandi, Zahid Zufar At Thaariq


Abstract: Implementing Instruction with Metaverse: Insights from the TRINGO Concept. Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of learning using the metaverse, and to link it to the TRINGO approach. Methods: Through a combined meta-synthesis and narrative approach, the results show the positive impact of the metaverse in learning. Findings: The "Ngerti" process with Metaverse creates a holistic learning experience, illustrated by Gemiverse. The "Ngrasa" process shows positive sentiments about the potential of the metaverse to improve the quality of learning. Concrete steps in the "Nglakoni" process, such as addressing privacy and increasing technological accessibility, require positive action and awareness of digital literacy. Conclusion: Overall, this process forms the basis for optimizing the metaverse to enhance understanding, emotional experience, and learning effectiveness. Recommendations for using the metaverse with the TRINGO concept can enrich the educational process in a sustainable way for educators and researchers.


Keywords: instructional process, metaverse, tringo, education.


Abstrak: Implementing Instruction with Metaverse: Insights from the TRINGO Concept. Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan mengkaji implementasi pembelajaran menggunakan metaverse dan mengaitkannya dengan pendekatan TRINGO. Metode: Melalui pendekatan kombinasi meta-sintesis dan naratif, temuan menunjukkan dampak positif metaverse dalam pembelajaran. Temuan: Proses "Ngerti" dengan Metaverse menciptakan pengalaman belajar holistik, diilustrasikan oleh Gemiverse. Proses "Ngrasa" menunjukkan sentimen positif terhadap potensi Metaverse dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Langkah-langkah konkrit dalam proses "Nglakoni," seperti atasi privasi dan tingkatkan aksesibilitas teknologi, memerlukan tindakan positif dan kesadaran literasi digital. Kesimpulan: Keseluruhan, proses ini membentuk dasar untuk mengoptimalkan Metaverse dalam meningkatkan pemahaman, pengalaman emosional, dan efektivitas pembelajaran. Rekomendasi untuk menggunakan metaverse dengan konsep TRINGO dapat memperkaya proses pendidikan secara berkelanjutan bagi pendidik dan peneliti.


Kata kunci: proses pembelajaran, metaverse, tringo, pendidikan.


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