Pursuing Maritime Education in Digital Era: Students’ Voices

Damar Isti Pratiwi, Darul Prayogo, Taruga Runadi


Abstract: Pursuing maritime education in digital era: students voices. Technology advancement shifts maritime education's focus from theoretical concepts to practical action. Therefore, this study investigated the perspectives of vocational students and the obstacles during undertaking degrees in maritime institution. It engaged 200 students from an Indonesian maritime college, which employed a mixed-method research design using closed and open-ended questionnaires. The results of quantitative data revealed students’ high acceptance in pursuing maritime education, which was affected by five factors: high-qualified education, friends, practical skill, economic motif, and job availability. The qualitative data showed challenges regarding financial problems, time management, adaptation, technological development, and foreign language problems. Some possible solutions considered scholarships, having peers, being selective in joining campus activities, and improving skills and knowledge. Hence, maritime institutions should improve their qualification in the digital era. Students have to be equipped with technology-practical-based skills to become professionals in the maritime sector.


Keywords: education, maritime education, pursuing education, digital era.


Abstrak: Meraih pendidikan maritim di era digital: persepsi siswa. Peningkatan teknologi mencipatakan perubahan focus pendidikan maritim dari konsep teori ke kegiatan praktek. Karena itulah penelitian ini menyelediki persepsi siswa vokasi dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi ketika menjalani pendidikan di intitusi maritim. Penelitian ini melibatkan 200 siswa dari salah satu institusi maritim di Indonesia dengan menerapkan desain penelitian metode campuran menggunakan kuesioner terbuka dan tertutup. Hasil dari kuantitatif data menunjukkan penerimaan yang tinggi para siswa dalam meraih pendidikan maritim yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor: pendidikan yang berkualitas tinggi, teman, kemampuan praktek, motif ekonomi, dan ketersediaan pekerjaan. Kemudian beberapa solusi diberikan seperti beasiswa, mempunyai teman, selektif dalam memilih kegiatan kampus, dan meningkatkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan. Karena itulah institusi pendidikan tinggi maritim seharusnya meningkatkan kualitas mereka di era digital. Para siswa seharusnya diperlengkapi dengan ketrampilan berbasis teknologi terapan untuk menjadikan mereka profesional di sektor maritim.


Kata kunci: pendidikan, pendidikan maritim, meraih pendidikan, era digital.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v13.i3.202321

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