Educational Relevance, Competencies, And Career Paths: A Tracer Study of Automotive Technology Graduates Towards Curriculum Design

John Michael Del Rosario Aquino, Jeffrey Navallo Garcia


Abstract: Abstract: Educational Relevance, Competencies, and Career Paths: A Tracer Study of Automotive Technology Graduates Towards Curriculum Design. Objective: this study explore the graduates of Automotive Technology from the year 2015 to 2020 which identifies the educational relevance, competencies, and career paths towards the designing of curriculum. Methods: The researchers employed descriptive research design and random sampling technique for collecting necessary information. A total of 113 respondents out of 164 graduates solicited responses through google form utilizing adapted survey questionnaire. Findings: The results revealed that most of the respondents agreed that their jobs related to their chosen courses. The graduates’ also acquired competencies or skills extremely important to work performance. Additionally, for productive and professional interactions, communication and interpersonal skills are stood up among others. In terms of career paths, graduates impacted by the skills they learned in college and how relevant they believe their course work to be to their jobs. Conclusion: Graduates who believe their education and employment are closely related may be more inclined to choose jobs.


Keywords: tracer study, curriculum design, career paths, competencies, educational relevance.


Abstrak: Relevansi Pendidikan, Kompetensi, dan Jalur Karir: Tracer Study Lulusan Teknologi Otomotif Terhadap Perancangan Kurikulum. Tujuan: penelitian ini mengeksplorasi lulusan Teknologi Otomotif dari tahun 2015 hingga 2020 yang mengidentifikasi relevansi pendidikan, kompetensi, dan jalur karir terhadap perancangan kurikulum. Metode: Para peneliti menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dan teknik random sampling untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang diperlukan. Sebanyak 113 responden dari 164 lulusan meminta tanggapan melalui google form menggunakan kuesioner survei yang disesuaikan. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden setuju bahwa pekerjaan mereka berhubungan dengan program studi yang mereka pilih. Lulusan juga memperoleh kompetensi atau keterampilan yang sangat penting untuk prestasi kerja. Selain itu, untuk interaksi yang produktif dan profesional, keterampilan komunikasi dan interpersonal diutamakan. Dalam hal jalur karier, para lulusan dipengaruhi oleh keterampilan yang mereka pelajari di perguruan tinggi dan seberapa relevan mereka yakin bahwa mata kuliah yang mereka ambil berkaitan dengan pekerjaan mereka. Kesimpulan: Lulusan yang percaya bahwa pendidikan dan pekerjaan mereka berkaitan erat mungkin lebih cenderung memilih pekerjaan.


Kata kunci: studi pelacakan, desain kurikulum, jalur karir, kompetensi, relevansi pendidikan


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