Distance Learning During COVID-19: Lived Experiences of Struggling Students in Mathematics

Christine Dionglay Marasigan, Nicole Velasco Pontanoza, Rose Reyes Andrade, Mike Allen Dimaligaya Religioso


Abstract: Distance Learning During COVID-19: Lived Experiences of Struggling Students in Mathematics. Objectives: The research looked at the experiences of struggling students in mathematics during distance learning amidst the pandemic. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were utilized as part of the studys phenomenological interpretive research design. Non-probability sampling technique was used to select six students to interview for the collection of raw data. Thematic analysis was used to record and examine transcripts. Findings: Four developing themes that were summed up into CLAS (Content, structure, assessment of self-learning modules and instructional materials, Learning environment, Accessibility of modality, and Support system) were recognized which describe the struggling students experiences in time of pandemic. Conclusion: According to one conclusion, problems with operationalization and learning delivery continue to be barriers, and modular distance learning is not appropriate for all types of students due to a number of factors.

Keywords: modular distance learning, mathematics learning, phenomenological research.

Abstrak: Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Selama COVID-19: Pengalaman Hidup Siswa yang Berjuang di Bidang Matematika. Tujuan: Penelitian ini melihat pengalaman siswa yang bergelut di bidang matematika selama pembelajaran jarak jauh di tengah pandemi. Metode: Wawancara semi-terstruktur digunakan sebagai bagian dari desain penelitian interpretatif fenomenologis studi. Teknik non-probability sampling digunakan untuk memilih enam siswa yang akan diwawancarai untuk pengumpulan data mentah. Analisis tematik digunakan untuk merekam dan memeriksa transkrip. Temuan: Empat tema pengembangan yang diringkas menjadi CLAS (Isi, struktur, penilaian modul dan bahan ajar mandiri, Lingkungan belajar, Aksesibilitas modalitas, dan Sistem pendukung) diakui yang menggambarkan pengalaman siswa berjuang di masa pandemi. Kesimpulan: masalah operasionalisasi dan penyampaian pembelajaran terus menjadi hambatan, dan pembelajaran jarak jauh modular tidak sesuai untuk semua jenis siswa karena sejumlah faktor.
Kata kunci: pembelajaran jarak jauh modular, pembelajaran matematika, penelitian fenomenologi.

Kata kunci: pembelajaran jarak jauh modular, pembelajaran matematika, penelitian fenomenologi.


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v13.i2.202349

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