Development and Utilization of Online Teacher Professional Development Program to Improve Private e-Tutors TPACK Skills

Maristhel Tradio Benedicto, Ana Marie Villacarillo Sala, Ivy Coronado Carascal, Romel Cayao Mutya


Abstract: Development and Utilization of Online Teacher Professional Development Program to Improve Private e-Tutors TPACK Skills. Objective: The study aimed to design, implement, and evaluate an online teacher professional development (oTPD) training program and develop the TPACK skills of private e-tutors as evidenced by their lesson design and teaching demonstration performance. Methods: A mixed method in data gathering such as TPACK survey, pre-post-performance, and feedbacking was utilized. The input-process-output method with the PRIME framework in the process stage was used. The training program design was evaluated by experts anchored with the frameworks and theories with the synchronous form of learning for 20 contact hours. Findings: Findings revealed a significant mean gain between the pre-post-performance of the teachers lesson design and teaching demonstration. Conclusion: The online teacher professional development training program developed and enhanced the teachers TPACK skills. The study proposed guidelines for conducting oTPD training programs and compilation of lesson designs based on the TPACK framework.

Keywords: e-tutors, online teaching, teacher professional development, TPACK.

Abstrak: Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Program Pengembangan Profesi Guru Online untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan TPACK e-Tutor Privat. Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk merancang, mengimplementasikan, dan mengevaluasi program pelatihan pengembangan profesional guru online (oTPD) dan mengembangkan keterampilan TPACK dari e-tutor privat yang dibuktikan dengan desain pembelajaran dan kinerja demonstrasi pengajaran mereka. Metode: Metode campuran dalam pemerolehan data seperti survei TPACK, pra-pasca-kinerja, dan umpan balik diterapkan. Metode input-proses-output dengan kerangka kerja PRIME pada tahap proses digunakan. Rancangan program pelatihan dievaluasi oleh para ahli yang tertaut pada kerangka dan teori dengan bentuk pembelajaran sinkron selama 20 jam. Temuan: Temuan mengungkapkan gain rata-rata yang signifikan antara kinerja sebelum dan sesudah implementasi desain pembelajaran dan demonstrasi mengajar guru. Kesimpulan: Program pelatihan pengembangan profesi guru online berhasil mengembangkan dan meningkatkan keterampilan TPACK guru. Penelitian ini menghasilkan pedoman pelaksanaan program pelatihan oTPD dan penyusunan desain pembelajaran berdasarkan kerangka kerja TPACK.

Kata kunci: e-tutor, pengajaran online, pengembangan profesi guru, TPACK.


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