Likes, Constraints, Boredom of online-offline BIPA Students and Teachers based on Teacher Perceptions

Defina Defina


Abstract: Likes, Constraints, Boredom of online-offline BIPA Students and Teachers based on Teacher Perceptions. Purpose: The research aims to describe preferences, energy, feedback, boredom, and constraints and test different teacher-student constraints. Methods: The research population is BIPA teachers worldwide, and a sample of 100 people who have taught online-offline and are willing to complete the Google Form. Findings: Teachers and students prefer offline learning. Teachers need energy in offline learning and students in online learning. Student and teacher constraints are low, but more in online learning. Teachers and students experience more boredom in offline learning. The preference for online learning is due to its flexible and attractive media, the obstacle for teachers and students in online learning is an internet connection, the main causes of boredom in online learning are poor connection and long sitting in front of the computer. Conclusion: Offline learning is still preferable, despite much boredom.

Keywords: constraints, preferences, boredom, post-pandemic, online-offline BIPA learning.

Abstrak: Kesukaan, kendala, kebosanan siswa dan guru BIPA online-offline berdasarkan persepsi pengajar. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsi kesukaan, energi, umpan balik, kebosanan, dan kendala serta uji beda kendala pengajar-pemelajar. Metode: Populasi penelitian pengajar BIPA di dunia dan jumlah sampel 100 orang yang pernah mengajar online-offline dengan bersedia mengisi Google Form. Temuan: Pengajar dan pemelajar lebih suka pembelajaran offline. Pengajar membutuhkan banyak energi dalam pembelajaran offline, sedangkan pemelajar dalam belajar online. Kendala pemelajar dan pengajar berkategori rendah, namun lebih banyak dalam pembelajaran online. Kebosanan lebih banyak dialami pengajar dan pemelajar dalam pembelajaran offline. Kesukaan dalam pembelajaran online disebabkan fleksibel dan media yang menarik, kendala pengajar dan pemelajar dalam pembelajaran online adalah koneksi internet, penyebab utama kebosanan pembelajaran online koneksi yang tidak bagus dan duduk lama di depan komputer. Kesimpulan: pembelajaran offline tetap lebih disukai, meskipun banyak kebosanan.

Kata kunci: kendala, kesukaan, kebosanan, pascapandemi, pembelajaran BIPA online-offline.


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