Pre-service Teachers Performance-Input: Development Program in the New Normal

Menchi Guande Nayad


Abstract: Pre-service Teachers Performance-Input: Development Program in the New Normal. Objectives: The study investigates the level of performance of pre-service teachers particularly on communication, technical, lesson Planning, evaluation, classroom management, time management and occupational attitude skills and establishes if there is a significant difference between the level of performance of pre-service teachers as perceived by the three groups of respondents. Methods: A questionnaire on the Likert scale collected data through the survey method from 100 resource teachers, 103 pre-service teachers and 500 high school students. Weighted means, ANOVA and Scheffes test were utilized to analyze the data gathered. Findings: Results revealed that the performance of pre-service teachers was generally perceived to be very satisfactory, a significant difference on the level of performance of pre-service teachers was established as perceived by the three group of respondents. Conclusion: Pre-service teachers performed well on the specific tasks assigned to them and they have met the respondents expectations and the responsibilities expected of them.

Keywords: new normal, occupational attitude, pre-service teachers, technical skill.

Abstrak: Input-Kinerja Guru Prajabatan: Program Pengembangan dalam Normal Baru. Tujuan: Studi ini menyelidiki tingkat kinerja calon guru khususnya pada komunikasi, teknis, perencanaan pembelajaran, evaluasi, manajemen kelas, manajemen waktu dan keterampilan sikap kerja dan menetapkan apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara tingkat kinerja pra-jabatan. guru honorer seperti yang dirasakan oleh ketiga kelompok responden. Metode: Kuesioner dengan skala Likert mengumpulkan data melalui metode survei dari 100 guru narasumber, 103 calon guru dan 500 siswa SMA. Rata-rata tertimbang, uji ANOVA dan Scheffe digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan. Temuan: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kinerja guru prajabatan secara umum dianggap sangat memuaskan, perbedaan yang signifikan pada tingkat kinerja guru prajabatan ditetapkan seperti yang dirasakan oleh ketiga kelompok responden. Kesimpulan: Guru pra-jabatan bekerja dengan baik pada tugas khusus yang diberikan kepada mereka dan mereka telah memenuhi harapan responden dan tanggung jawab yang diharapkan dari mereka.

Kata kunci: normal baru, sikap terhadap pekerjaan, guru pra-jabatan, keterampilan teknis.


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