Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Teacher Education Students in DOrSU-San Isidro Campus

Elven Ruelo Bugwak


Abstract: Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Teacher Education Students in DOrSU-San Isidro Campus. Objective: This quantitative research study aimed to assess the factors affecting the academic performance of students from DOrSU-San Isidro Campus. Methods: This study employed survey research design to determine the distribution of factors affecting the academic performance of the BEEd students in DOrSU-San Isidro Extension Campus in terms of personal condition, study habits, home-related factor, school-related factor and lecturer factor. Moreover, t-test was used in testing the differences on the academic performance of students when analyzed according to their sex. Findings: The results revealed that there is no disparity between male and female students when compared based on their academic performance. Conclusions: Further, it is suggested in this study to keep the Teacher Education Curriculum responsive and relevant by periodically conducting curriculum reviews and voluntarily submit to accreditation survey visits. This will help them ensure that they are offering quality services to their students regardless of their background.


Keywords: teacher education, academic performance, survey research design, Philippines


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v13.i2.202316

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