A Qualitative Study on Curriculum Supervision and Learning Modalities in the Time of Pandemic: Basis on the Proposed Innovative Supervisory Framework
Abstract: A Qualitative Study on Curriculum Supervision and Learning Modalities in the Time of Pandemic: Basis on the Proposed Innovative Supervisory Framework. Objective: This study examines the challenges posed by the pandemic to instructional leaders and their ability to supervise teachers, focusing on the university context. Methods: Using a phenomenological approach, 6 instructional leaders were interviewed through a face-to-face questionnaire to uncover the supervision models, processes of supervising teachers, different learning modalities, and supervisory framework. Findings: The results revealed that the synchronous class was most effective among the three modalities used: synchronous, asynchronous, and modular. Furthermore, a differentiated supervision model was constructed based on the practices of instructional leaders, and a framework was proposed for use in other schools. Conclusion: The implications of this research are that instructional leaders should be aware of the various supervision models, processes, and learning modalities available in order to effectively respond to and cope with the crisis. Additionally, other schools can employ alternative supervision models by investigating the characteristics that affect supervision.
Keywords: leadership, curriculum supervision, new normal education, phenomenological research.
Abstrak: Kajian Kualitatif Supervisi Kurikulum dan Modalitas Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi: Landasan Usulan Kerangka Pengawasan Inovatif. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengkaji tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi terhadap para pimpinan institusi pendidikan dan kemampuan mereka untuk mengawasi guru, dengan fokus pada konteks universitas. Metode: Menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis, 6 pimpinan institusi pendidikan diwawancarai melalui kuesioner tatap muka untuk mengungkap model supervisi, proses supervisi guru, modalitas pembelajaran yang berbeda, dan kerangka kerja supervisi. Temuan: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kelas sinkron paling efektif di antara tiga modalitas yang digunakan: sinkron, asinkron, dan modular. Selain itu, model supervisi yang dibedakan dibangun berdasarkan praktik para pemimpin instruksional, dan sebuah kerangka diusulkan untuk digunakan di sekolah lain. Kesimpulan: Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pemimpin instruksional harus menyadari berbagai model supervisi, proses, dan modalitas pembelajaran yang tersedia untuk menanggapi dan mengatasi krisis secara efektif. Selain itu, sekolah lain dapat menggunakan model supervisi alternatif dengan menyelidiki karakteristik yang mempengaruhi supervisi.
Kata kunci: kepemimpinan, supervisi kurikulum, pendidikan normal baru, penelitian fenomenologi.
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