Using CIPP Model to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Flexible Learning Implementation in Satya Wacana Christian University

Yari Dwikurnaningsih, Marinu Waruwu, Wasitohadi Wasitohadi


Abstract: Using CIPP Model to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Flexible Learning Implementation in Satya Wacana Christian University. Objective: This study aims to assess the effectiveness of flexible learning (f-learn) at the university level. Methods: The research approach uses a mixed method with a sequential explanatory model. The quantitative method is used in the first stage then the qualitative method is used in the second stage. The research subjects were 19 lecturers and 150 students and 1 head of the Bureau of Technology and Information Systems (BTSI) who manages f-learn. The qualitative of the data was obtained through interviews and document study analyzed using Miles and Hubermans model. Quantitative data obtained from numbers with descriptive analysis. Findings: The results showed that the evaluation of context aspects of learning-based f-learn was in the very good category, the evaluation of input aspects was in the good category, the evaluation of process aspects was in the good category, and the evaluation of product aspects was in the good category. Conclusion: Thus, f-learn-based learning has an impact on increasing students’ and lecturers’ knowledge and mastery of information technology.

Keywords: CIPP model, flexible learning, mixed method research.

Abstrak: Penggunaan Model CIPP untuk Mengevaluasi Efektifitas Penerapan Flexible Learning di Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas pembelajaran berbasis flexible learning (f-learn) di level Universitas. Metode: Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan mixed method dengan model sequential explanatory. Metode kuantitatif digunakan pada tahap pertama kemudian pada metode kualitatif digunakan pada tahap kedua. Subjek penelitian adalah 19 orang dosen dan 150 mahasiswa serta 1 orang kepala Biro Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (BTSI) yang mengelola f-learn. Data kualitatif didapatkan melalui wawancara dan studi dokumen dianalisis dengan model Miles and Huberman. Data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari angket dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi aspek konteks pembelajaran berbasis f-learn berada pada kategori sangat baik, evaluasi aspek input berada pada kategori baik, evaluasi aspek proses berada pada kategori baik, dan evaluasi aspek produk berada pada kategori baik. Kesimpulan: Dengan demikian, pembelajaran berbasis f-learn berdampak pada peningkatan pengetahuan dan penguasaan teknologi informasi mahasiswa dan dosen.

Kata kunci: model CIPP, flexible learning, penelitian mixed method.



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