Teachers profile and the implementation of kindergarten program during pandemic
Abstract: Teachers Profile and the Implementation of Kindergarten Program during Pandemic. Objectives: This study determined the profile of kindergarten teachers and status of the implementation of kindergarten program during the pandemic in Sorsogon, Philippines. Methods: This study employed the descriptive research method and utilized descriptive statistics for data analysis. Findings: The results of this study revealed that majority of kindergarten teachers are aged 31-40, female, married, bachelors degree holder, in-service for 6-10 years, teaching kindergarten for 1-5 years, and attended several related trainings. The overall average weighted mean as to resource, process, and outcome variables are 4.33, 4.43, and 4.59 respectively. Moreover, resource and process variable is moderately observed while outcome variable is highly observed. Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between teachers profile and status of the implementation of kindergarten program.
Keywords: kindergarten program, teacher’s profile, descriptive analysis.
Abstrak: Profil Guru dan Implementasi Program TK di Masa Pandemi. Tujuan: Studi ini untuk mengetahui profil guru taman kanak-kanak (TK) dan status pelaksanaan program TK selama pandemi di Sorsogon, Filipina. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dan menggunakan statistik deskriptif untuk analisis data. Temuan: Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa mayoritas guru TK berusia 31-40 tahun, berjenis kelamin perempuan, menikah, lulusan sarjana, telah mengabdi selama 6-10 tahun, mengajar di TK selama 1-5 tahun, dan mengikuti beberapa pelatihan terkait. Nilai rata-rata keseluruhan untuk variabel sumber daya, proses, dan hasil masing-masing adalah 4,33, 4,43, dan 4,59. Selain itu, variabel sumber daya dan proses cukup diperhatikan sedangkan variabel hasil sangat diperhatikan. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara profil guru dengan status penyelenggaraan program TK.
Kata kunci: program taman kanak-kanak, profil guru, analisis deskriptif.
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