Teachers Facilitating Strategies in Conducting Science Investigatory Project
Abstract: Teachers Facilitating Strategies in Conducting Science Investigatory Project. Objective: The study assessed the science teachers facilitating strategies in conducting the Science Investigatory Project (SIP) in the new normal in terms of formulating a problem, developing a design, and constructing an explanation. Methods: A descriptive-correlational research method was utilized using a survey questionnaire administered to 293 STEM students and 59 STEM research teachers. Findings: Findings revealed that teachers have agreed that the facilitating strategies in conducting SIP in terms of formulating a problem, developing a design, and constructing an explanation have been practiced in the new normal setting. Students strongly agreed that the facilitating strategies had been mostly practiced by the teachers in the new normal. Conclusion: STEM teachers have adapted to the sudden shift in the educational system. They have been prepared with skills and have been practicing various facilitating strategies that have assisted students in conducting their SIPs in the new normal.
Keywords: facilitating strategies, science teacher, science investigatory project.
Abstrak: Strategi Fasilitasi Guru dalam Melaksanakan Proyek Investigasi Sains. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengkaji strategi fasilitasi guru IPA dalam melaksanakan Science Investigatory Project (SIP) pada era normal baru dalam hal merumuskan masalah, mengembangkan desain, dan menyusun penjelasan. Metode: Metode penelitian deskriptif-korelasional digunakan dengan menggunakan kuesioner survei yang diberikan kepada 293 siswa STEM dan 59 guru penelitian STEM. Temuan: Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa guru telah setuju bahwa strategi memfasilitasi SIP dalam hal merumuskan masalah, mengembangkan desain, dan membangun penjelasan telah dipraktekkan pada era normal baru. Siswa sangat setuju bahwa strategi fasilitasi banyak dilakukan oleh para guru di masa normal baru. Kesimpulan: Guru STEM telah beradaptasi dengan perubahan mendadak dalam sistem pendidikan. Mereka telah dibekali keterampilan dan telah mempraktekkan berbagai strategi pendampingan yang telah membantu mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan SIP di era normal baru.
Kata kunci: strategi fasilitasi, guru IPA, proyek investigasi IPA.
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