Literacy and Numeracy Teaching and Learning in Pandemic Outbreak: A Case Study of Private Primary School in Rural Area

Yuyun Yulia, Wan Irham Ishak, Krisna Satrio Perbowo, Sri Adi Widodo


Abstract: Literacy and Numeracy Teaching and Learning in Pandemic Outbreak: A Case Study of Private Primary School in Rural Area. Objective: This research aims to portray the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy in a private school in rural area with few students in each class. Methods: The research method employed is descriptive qualitative. Data revealed that students doing Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 1 (KMA-1) or student teacher taught literacy and numeracy lesson through playing games and singing. Finding: The teaching procedures are claimed in three phases – pre, while and post. The teaching and learning process during the pandemic was carried out in various ways such as using videos and using games and singing. Conclusion: Students challenges are lack of vocabulary and its meaning. Teachers need to develop their teaching and learning based on student and school characteristics. This is done to develop student learning motivation, literacy, and student numeracy can improve

Keywords: literacy, numeracy, rural area, private primary school.

Abstrak: Pembelajaran Literasi dan Numerasi di Masa Wabah Pandemi: Studi Kasus SD Swasta di Pedesaan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pembelajaran literasi dan numerasi di sekolah swasta dengan jumlah siswa sangat terbatas di pedesaan. Metode: Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data mengungkapkan bahwa mahasiswa yang melakukan Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 1 (KMA-1) atau mahasiswa magang mengajar melaksanakan pelajaran literasi dan numerasi (berhitung) dengan permainan dan bernyanyi. Temuan: Prosedur pengajaran diklaim dalam tiga fase - awal, inti dan penutup. Proses belajar mengajar di masa pandemi dilakukan dengan berbagai cara seperti menggunakan video dan menggunakan permainan dan nyanyian. Kesimpulan: Tantangan siswa adalah kurangnya kosakata dan makna kata. Sebagai kesimpulan, guru perlu mengembangkan pembelajaran berdasarkan karakteristik sekolah dan siswa. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan motivasi belajar siswa, literasi, dan numerasi siswa dapat meningkat

Kata kunci: literasi, numerasi, pedesaan, SD swasta.


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