Surisman Surisman


The objective of this research was to investigate the relation of agility and flexibility with the skills of badminton playing for university students at physical education in FKIP Unila. This was descriptive correlational research. There are two independent variables in this research: (1) agility and (2) flexibility, and one dependent variable, that is, the skills of badminton playing The results of the data analysis showed that there were some significant correlations as follows: (1) between the agility with the skills of badminton playing, (2) between the flexibility with the skills of badminton playing, and (3) among the agility and flexibility with the skills of badminton playing. The conclusion of this research is that the agility and flexibility represent two factors of correlative skills of badminton playing. Based on the results of this research, it is suggested that the findings should be considered by the lecturers of physical education especially badminton branch, KONI Lampung, and Pengda PBSI in particularly, professionas involved, and the Physical Education Study Program in FKIP Unila.

Key words: agility, flexibility, and skills of badminton playing

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