Teacher-Student Relationship and Teacher Subjective Well-being: Understanding the Employment Status as Moderator
Abstract: Teacher-Student Relationship and Teacher Subjective Well-being: Understanding the Employment Status as Moderator. Objective: This research aimed to see whether the teacher employment status could moderate the association between teacher-student relationship and teacher subjective well-being in secondary level of education. Methods: This study uses a quantitative research approach with a non-experimental correlational design. Correlation analysis and simple regression analysis was used to measure the moderation effect. Findings: The result showed that no significant moderation effect of the employment status on the effect of teacher-student relationship to the teacher subjective well-being. Conclusion: The findings of this study fail to confirm the moderation effect of employment status on the association between teacher-student relationship and teacher subjective well-being in secondary level of education.
Keywords: teacher subjective well-being, teacher-student relationship, teacher employment status, secondary schools.
Abstrak: Hubungan Guru-Siswa dan Teacher Subjective Well-being: Memahami Status Kepegawaian sebagai Moderator. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah status kepegawaian guru memoderasi hubungan antara hubungan guru-siswa dan kesejahteraan subjetif guru di jenjang sekolah menengah. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain korelasional non-eksperimental. Analisis korelasi dan regresi sederhana digunakan untuk mengukur efek moderasi. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat peran moderasi dari status kepegawaian guru dalam dampak hubungan guru-murid terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif guru. Kesimpulan: Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa status kepegawaian tidak memberikan efek moderasi terhadap hubungan dekat guru-murid kepada kesejahteraan subjektif guru.
Kata kunci: kesejahteraan subyektif guru; hubungan guru-siswa; status kepegawaian guru; sekolah menengah.
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