Putting Global Education Through Transcript Based Lesson Analysis in Higher Education
Abstract: Putting Global Education Through Transcript Based Lesson Analysis in Higher Education. Objectives: This research describes global educational practices that focus on achieving a global perspective in Transdisciplinary and Cross-Discipline Approaches in Social Studies Learning. Methods: This study uses a qualitative method as a research approach. The research was conducted from September 26 to October 10, 2021. Miles and Hubermans interactive model reduces interview data, presents research results in a descriptive narrative manner, and concludes research results. Findings: describing the differences in conversations that occurred in cycle one and cycle two, which the lecturer understood because students were reluctant to speak. The reluctance to express opinions is due to limited mastery of the material and fear of interpretation. Therefore, based on cycle one, the lecturer provides brainstorming by conveying the importance of expressing opinions in learning. Conclusion: Lecturers have the main role to provide brainstorming by conveying the importance of expressing opinions. In addition, the subject of transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches in social studies learning puts forward the principles of scientific culture in the academic field.
Keywords: global education, transcript-based lesson analysis (TBLA), conversation.
Abstrak: Menempatkan Pendidikan Global melalui Transcript based Lesson Analysis di Pendidikan Tinggi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan praktik pendidikan global yang berfokus pada pencapaian perspektif global dalam Pendekatan Transdisipliner dan Lintas Disiplin dalam Pembelajaran IPS. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai pendekatan penelitian. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 September hingga 10 Oktober 2021. Model interaktif Miles dan Huberman mereduksi data wawancara, menyajikan hasil penelitian secara deskriptif naratif, dan menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Temuan: menggambarkan perbedaan percakapan yang terjadi pada siklus satu dan siklus dua, yang dipahami dosen karena mahasiswa enggan untuk berbicara. Keengganan menyampaikan pendapat disebabkan keterbatasan penguasaan materi dan takut menafsirkan. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan siklus satu, dosen memberikan brainstorming dengan menyampaikan pentingnya mengemukakan pendapat dalam pembelajaran. Kesimpulan: Dosen memiliki peran utama untuk memberikan brainstorming dengan menyampaikan pentingnya mengemukakan pendapat. Selain itu, pokok bahasan pendekatan transdisipliner dan interdisipliner dalam pembelajaran IPS mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip budaya ilmiah di bidang akademik.
Kata kunci: pendidikan global, transcript-based lesson analysis (TBLA), percakapan.
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