How do Digital Native Students Responses to Balinese Ethnomathematics Problems
Abstract: How do Digital Native Students Responses to Balinese Ethnomathematics Problems Objectives: This study determines digital native students responses to ethnomathematical problems in Balinese culture. Methods: This study uses descriptive analysis techniques. The subjects were 42 students of class VIII.1 and VIII.5 SMP Widiatmika. Data was collected through questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The student response questionnaire consists of 3 aspects, namely familiar or not familiar, appropriate or not appropriate, and interested or not interested. The responses data the percentage of positive and negative responses is then calculated. Findings: The results showed that only 16.67 percent of students are familiar with Balinese ethnomathematics problems, 95.24 percent of students considered that the ethnomathematics was appropriate in learning mathematics, and 90.48 percent of students are interested in ethnomathematics. Conclusion: It was found that digital native students tend to give a positive response but are unable to understand Balinese ethnomathematics. From these findings, Future learning is expected to become a culture and technology-based learning.
Keywords: Digital Native Students, Ethnomathematics, Student Response, Problem Solving, Balinese Culture.
Abstrak: Bagaimana Respon Siswa Generasi Digital Native terhadap Masalah Etnomatematika Bali? Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui respon siswa digital native terhadap permasalahan etnomatematika dalam budaya Bali. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah 42 siswa kelas VIII.1 dan VIII.5 SMP Widiatmika. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket, tes, dan wawancara. Angket respon siswa terdiri dari 3 aspek yaitu familiar atau tidak familiar, sesuai atau tidak sesuai, dan tertarik atau tidak tertarik. Data tanggapan kemudian dihitung persentase tanggapan positif dan negatifnya. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya 16,67 persen siswa yang paham dengan masalah etnomatematika Bali, 95,24 persen siswa menganggap etnomatematika sesuai dalam pembelajaran matematika, dan 90,48 persen siswa tertarik dengan etnomatematika. Kesimpulan: Ditemukan bahwa siswa digital native cenderung memberikan respon positif tetapi tidak mampu memahami etnomatematika Bali. Dari temuan tersebut, pembelajaran masa depan diharapkan menjadi pembelajaran berbasis budaya dan teknologi.
Kata Kunci: Siswa Digital Native, Etnomatematika, Respon Siswa, Pemecahan Masalah, Budaya Bali.
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