An Assessment of Google Classroom Reception and Usage among Pre-service Science, Technology and Mathematics Teachers in South-West Nigeria

Adeneye Olarewaju A. Awofala, Adenike J. Oladipo, Sabainah O. Akinoso, Abayomi A. Arigbabu, Alfred O. Fatade


Abstract: An Assessment of Google Classroom Reception and Usage among Pre-service Science, Technology and Mathematics Teachers in South-West Nigeria. Objectives: The present study assessed google classroom reception and usage among preservice Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STM) teachers in south-west Nigeria. Methods: The participants were 480 preservice STM teachers purposively selected from four universities in south-west Nigeria within the blueprint of a correlational survey research design. Data analysis was carried out using mean, standard deviation, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis at 5 percent level of significance. Findings: Results showed that 94.1 percent of the variance in preservice STM teachers actual use of google classroom was accounted for by a combination of attitude towards use, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and behavioural intention to use google classroom. Conclusion: Conclusively, STM teachers’ educator should promote the adoption and utilization of google classroom among the preservice STM teachers to increase their reception of google classroom for instructional purposes.

Keywords: reception, google classroom, Technology Acceptance Model, preservice teachers.

Abstrak: Asesmen Penerimaan dan Penggunaan Google Classroom di antara Calon Guru Sains, Teknologi, dan Matematika di Nigeria Barat Daya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini menilai penerimaan dan penggunaan kelas google di antara calon guru Sains, Teknologi, dan Matematika (STM) di Nigeria Barat Daya. Metode: Para peserta adalah 480 calon guru STM yang dipilih secara purposive dari empat universitas di Nigeria Barat Daya dalam cetak biru desain penelitian survei korelasional. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mean, standar deviasi, koefisien korelasi product moment Pearson dan analisis regresi berganda pada taraf signifikansi 5 persen. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 94,1 persen variansi penggunaan aktual google classroom oleh calon guru STM disebabkan oleh kombinasi attitude towards use, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and behavioural intention untuk menggunakan google classroom. Kesimpulan: Secara konklusif, pendidik guru STM harus mempromosikan adopsi dan pemanfaatan google classroom di antara calon guru STM untuk meningkatkan penerimaan mereka terhadap google classroom untuk tujuan pengajaran.

Kata kunci: penerimaan, google classroom, Model Penerimaan Teknologi, calon guru.


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