The Use of ICT and Online Learning Applications during the Covid-19 Outbreak in Indonesia
Abstract: The Use of ICT and Online Learning Applications during the Covid-19 Outbreak in Indonesia. Objectives: This study aims to describe the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) and online learning applications on the quality of education during the covid-19 pandemic. Methods: The research was conducted in the college using a qualitative descriptive method. Data was collected through structured interviews, observation, and document analysis. Findings: The results showed that: first, the use of ICT and online applications in college increased during the pandemic second, by using ICT and online learning applications, the teaching and learning process for lecturers and students become more independent, creative, flexible, and encourage students to increase their academic product third, the academic products of lecturers and students experienced a significant increase. Conclusion: Understanding the magnitude of the impact of ICT on improving academic quality, can encourage the college to develop ICT.
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, university, ICT, education quality.
Abstrak: Tingkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Ditengah Pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dampak teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK,), dan aplikasi pembelajaran online terhadap kualitas pendidikan selama pandemic covid-19. Metode: Penelitian yang dilakukan di perguruan tinggi menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terstruktur, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pertama, penggunaan TIK dan aplikasi pembelajaran online di perguruan tinggi meningkat selama pandemi kedua, dengan menggunakan TIK dan aplikasi pembelajaran online, proses mengajar bagi dosen dan mahasiswa menjadi lebih merdeka, kreatid, dan fleksibel sehingga mendorong mahasiswa meningkatkan produk akademik mereka ketiga, produk akademik dosen dan mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan: Dengan memahami besarnya dampak TIK terhadap peningkatan kualitas akademik, maka bisa mendorong perguruan tinggi untuk mengembangkan TIK.
Kata kunci: pandemi Covid-19, universitas, TIK, kualitas pendidikan.
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