The Use of Authentic Reading Materials and Cooperative Learning Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension Ability of Vocational School Students
Abstract: The Use of Authentic Reading Materials and Cooperative Learning Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension Ability of Vocational School Students. Objective: The research aimed to investigate the correlation between students perception on authentic materials and cooperative strategy on their reading achievement. Method: Three hypotheses were tested: a. perception on authentic materials and reading comprehension b. perception on cooperative strategy and reading comprehension, and c. perception on authentic materials and cooperative strategy toward reading achievement. Findings: The reliability of reading test was rii is equal to 0.96 perception on authentic materials was rii is equal to 0.913 and that of the cooperative strategy was rii is equal to 0.862. Conclusion: a. There is a positive correlation between perception on X1 and Y, Y is equal to 11.046 plus 0.270 X1 coefficient correlation r13 is equal to 0.431. b. There is a significant effect of X2 on Y, Y is equal to 11.350 plus 0.625, X2 coefficient correlation r23 is equal to 0.411. c. There is significant effect of X1 on X2, X1 is equal to 5.314 plus 0.974, X2 coefficient correlation r12 is equal to 0.436.
Keywords: authentic materials, cooperative strategy, comprehension achievement
Abstrak: Persepsi Bahan Bacaan Autentik Dan Strategi Kooperatif Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Smk Di Bandar Lampung. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji korelasi antara persepsi tentang bahan bacaan autentik dan strategi kooperatif terhadap kemampuan membaca siswa SMKN di Bandar Lampung. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes kemampuan membaca dan kusioner. Populasinya adalah semua siswa di kelas sebelas. Metode: Tiga hipotesis diuji: a. Persepsi tentang X1 dan Y b. Persepsi tentang X2 dan Y dan c. Perspsi tentang X1 dan X2 terhadap Y. Temuan: Tryout dilakukan untuk memastikan validitas dan reliabilitas. Reliabilitas Y: rii sama dengan 0.96 reliabilitas X1: rii sama dengan 0.913 dan reliabilitas X2: rii sama dengan 0.862. regresi multiple menggunakan á sama dengan 0.05. Kesimpulan: a. terdapat korelasi positif antara X1 dengan Y, Y sama dengan 11.046 tambah 0.270 X1 r13 sama dengan 0.431. b. Terdapat korelasi positif signifikan dari X2 dengan Y, Y sama dengan 11.350 tambah 0.625 X2 r23 sama dengan 0.411. c. Terdapat korelasi positif signifikan antara X1 dan X2 dengan Y, X1 sama dengan 5.314 tambah 0.974 X2 sama dengan r12 sama dengan 0.4360.
Kata kunci: bahan bacaan autentik, strategi kooperatif, kemampuan memahami bacaan.
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