Examining the Global Competence and TPACK Development Model for Prospective Teachers in Accounting Economics

Kardiyem Kardiyem, Kusmuriyanto Kusmuriyanto, Ida Nur Aeni, Nurdian Susilowati


Abstract: Examining the Global Competence and TPACK Development Model for Prospective Teachers in Accounting Economics. Objectives: This research examines the development model of global competency and technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) of prospective teachers in accounting economics. Methods: Design of this research using clausal associative design. The respondents of the study were 91 students of accounting education at Universitas Negeri Semarang. Findings: Analysis results using WarpPLS 6.0. shows that socioeconomic status did not affect technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) and global competence. In addition, there is a direct effect of student engagement and student perception of teaching methods on technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) and global competence. The following analysis showed that student engagement mediates the effect of socioeconomic status and student perception of teaching methods on technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) and global competence. Conclusion: Student perception about the lecturer teaching methods would increase global competence, and then increasing student engagement would ultimately be able to increase global competence as well.

Keywords: socioeconomic status, student engagement, perception of teaching methods, technological pedagogical content knowledge, global competence.

Abstrak: Mengkaji Model Pengembangan TPACK dan Kompetensi Global untuk Calon Guru Ekonomi Akuntansi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini menguji model pengembangan kompetensi global dan technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) dari calon guru ekonomi akuntansi. Metode: Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain asosiatif kausal. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 91 mahasiswa pendidikan akuntansi di Universitas Negeri Semarang. Temuan: Hasil analisis menggunakan WarpPLS 6.0 menunjukkan bahwa status sosio ekonomi tidak mempengaruhi TPACK dan kompetensi global. Sebagai tambahan, terdapat pengaruh langsung keterlibatan mahasiswa dan persepsi mahasiswa mengenai metode pembelajaran terhadap TPACK dan kompetensi global. Analisis selanjutnya menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan mahasiswa memediasi pengaruh status sosio ekonomi dan persepsi mahasiswa mengenai metode pembelajaran terhadap TPACK dan kompetensi global. Kesimpulan: Persepsi mahasiswa mengenai metode pengajaran dosen akan meningkatkan kompetensi global dan keterlibatan mahasiswa juga dapat meningkatkan kompetensi global.

Kata kunci: status sosio ekonomi, keterlibatan mahasiswa, persepsi metode pengajaran, TPACK, kompetensi global.


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i2.202226

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