Linking Personality to Lecturers Employability and Affective Commitment
Abstract: Linking Personality to Lecturers Employability and Affective Commitment. Objectives: This study explores the effect of personality on employability and lecturers affective commitment, and how employability mediating personality affects affective commitment. Methods: A questionnaire collected data through the survey methods toward 230 lecturers in Indonesia spread across four provinces: Jakarta, Banten, West Java, and Central Java. Data analysis uses path analysis supported by descriptive statistics and correlational. Findings: The results show that personality had a significant direct effect on affective commitment, employability had a significant direct effect on affective commitment, personality had a significant direct effect on employability, and personality had a significant indirect effect on affective commitment mediated by employability. Conclusion: A new model regarding the effect of personality on lecturers affective commitment, mediated by employability, was confirmed. Thus, the researchers and practitioners can adopt or adapt a new empirical model to increase teachers affective commitment through personality and employability in the future, various filed and contexts.
Keywords: personality, employability, affective commitment, lecturer.
Abstrak: Menghubungkan Kepribadian dengan Kemampuan Kerja dan Komitmen Afektif Dosen. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pengaruh kepribadian terhadap kemampuan kerja dan komitmen afektif dosen. Metode: Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner melalui survei terhadap 230 dosen di Indonesia yang diambil dari empat provinsi, yaitu Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten, dan Jawa Tengah. Analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur yang didukung oleh statistik deskriptif dan korelasional. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepribadian berpengaruh langsung signifikan terhadap komitmen afektif, kemampuan kerja berpengaruh langsung signifikan terhadap komitmen afektif, kepribadian berpengaruh langsung signifikan terhadap kemampuan kerja, dan kepribadian berpengaruh tidak langsung langsung signifikan terhadap komitmen afektif dengan mediasi kemampuan kerja. Kesimpulan: Model baru mengenai pengaruh kepribadian terhadap komitmen afektif dosen, yang dimediasi oleh kelayakan kerja, terkonfirmasi. Dengan demikian, para peneliti dan praktisi dapat mengadopsi atau mengadaptasi model empiris baru untuk meningkatkan komitmen afektif guru melalui kepribadian dan kemampuan kerja di masa depan, berbagai bidang dan konteks.
Kata kunci: kepribadian, kemampuan kerja, komitmen afektif, dosen.
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