Development of Sparkol-Based Learning Media for Entrepreneurial Learning
21st century learning encourages teachers to improve technological competence. This research aims to develop Sparkol Videoscribe-based learning media that are suitable for use in Entrepreneurship subjects, therefore the research method used is Research and Development (R and D). The development model in this research is adapted from Jamuszewski & Molenda which includes stages: 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, 5) Evaluation. Research instruments consist of open interviews, observations and questionnaires. The analytical techniques used are qualitative descriptive and descriptive statistics. Learning by applying the Project Based Learning model can be used as one of the learning models that teachers can use in the learning process to improve the entrepreneurial spirit, because it can activate students in learning activities, students are invited to run an activity in a group learning takes place more meaningfully. The results showed that sparkol videoscribe-based learning media meets the eligibility criteria after completing the stages of adaptation development Jamuszewski and Molenda Expert material and media provides a good qualification and does not need to be revised. And field trials are highly qualified and do not need to be revised. .
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Sparkol Videoscribe, Learning Media.
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