Competencies of Basic Education Teachers and Performance of Learners in 2017-2018 National Achievement Test in the Philippines
Abstract: Competencies of Basic Education Teachers and Performance of Learners in 2017-2018 National Achievement Test in the Philippines. Objectives: The study determined the competencies of teachers and performance of learners in 2017-2018 National Achievement Test. It identified the influence of teachers competencies on performance of learners. Methods: It employed descriptive-correlational and explanatory designs and it involved three divisions in Northern Mindanao region, Philippines. Findings: The Grade 10 and 6 teachers have possessed very satisfactory competencies across areas, while the Grade 10 and Grade 6 learners had a low mastery and very low mastery, respectively. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between the competencies of teachers and the performance of learners, while their competencies did not significantly influence the performance of learners. Conclusion: Teachers were deemed competent in all areas and learners had not acquired most of the competency standards of the curricula. Hence, no matter how competent teachers are, this would not contribute significantly to improving the performance of learners in the National Achievement Test. Thus, competencies of teachers cannot determine the performance of learners.
Keywords: competencies of teachers, performance of learners, National Achievement Test
Abstrak: Kompetensi Guru Sekolah Dasar dan Kinerja Peserta Didik pada Ujian Nasional 2017-2018 di Filipina. Tujuan: Penelitian ini menentukan kompetensi guru dan kinerja peserta didik dalam Ujian Nasional 2017-2018. Hal ini mengidentifikasi pengaruh kompetensi guru terhadap kinerja peserta didik. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif-korelasi dan eksplanatori dan melibatkan tiga divisi di wilayah Mindanao Utara, Filipina. Temuan: Guru kelas 10 dan 6 memiliki kompetensi yang sangat memuaskan di berbagai bidang, sedangkan siswa kelas 10 dan kelas 6 masing-masing memiliki ketuntasan yang rendah dan ketuntasan yang sangat rendah. Selanjutnya tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kompetensi guru dengan kinerja peserta didik, sedangkan kompetensi guru tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja peserta didik. Kesimpulan: Guru dianggap kompeten di semua bidang dan peserta didik belum menguasai sebagian besar standar kompetensi kurikulum. Oleh karena itu, betapapun kompetennya guru, hal ini tidak akan memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kinerja peserta didik dalam Ujian Prestasi Nasional. Dengan demikian, kompetensi guru tidak dapat menentukan kinerja peserta didik.
Kata kunci: kompetensi guru, kinerja peserta didik, ujian nasional.
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