Science Teachers Perception of Digital Technology-Based Learning in the 21st Century

Media Roza, Lufri Lufri, Andromeda Andromeda, Fatni Mufit


Abstract: Science Teachers Perception of Digital Technology-Based Learning in the 21st Century. Objective: The research aims to identify science teachers perceptions of digital technology-based learning in the 21st century. Methods: This type of research is survey research. Perception data was collected through questionnaires and interviews of 30 science teachers in West Sumatra. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis. Findings: It was found that the main components determining the success of digital technology-based science learning are competence, effort, and teacher commitment. Teachers are greatly helped to prepare learning plans, choose teaching materials and media, carry out learning, and evaluate with digital technology. This affects the students learning process and outcomes. Students feel interested, excited, and enthusiastic. Conclusion: 21st-century skills can be trained through learning based on digital technology. These findings can serve as a basis in determining the models and media of science learning based on digital technology in the 21st century.

Keywords: perception, digital technology, 21st-century skills.

Abstrak: Persepsi Guru Sains Terhadap Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Digital di Abad 21. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi guru sains tentang pembelajaran berbasis teknologi digital di abad 21. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian survei. Data persepsi dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan wawancara 30 guru sains di Sumatera Barat. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Temuan: Ditemukan bahwa komponen utama penentu keberhasilan pembelajaran sains berbasis teknologi digital adalah kompetensi, usaha, serta komitmen guru. Guru sangat terbantu menyiapkan rencana pembelajaran, memilih bahan ajar dan media, melaksanakan pembelajaran, serta melakukan evaluasi dengan adanya teknologi digital. Hal ini berdampak kepada proses dan hasil belajar siswa. Siswa merasa tertarik, senang dan antusias. Kesimpulan: Keterampilan abad 21 dapat dilatihkan melalui pembelajaran berbasis teknologi digital. Temuan ini dapat dijadikan dasar dalam menentukan model dan media pembelajaran sains berbasis teknologi digital di abad 21.

Kata kunci: persepsi, teknologi digital, keterampilan abad 21.


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