Instructional Strategies Employed by Elementary Teachers in Strengthening Pupils Engagement and Academic Performance in Inclusive Classrooms
Abstract: Instructional Strategies Employed by Elementary Teachers in Strengthening Pupils Engagement and Academic Performance in Inclusive Classrooms. Objectives: This quantitative study ascertained Filipino teachers instructional strategies to strengthen pupils engagement and academic performance in select Philippine elementary schools. Methods: It employed the descriptive survey method, with questionnaire as data collection tool, and descriptive and inferential statistics as statistical tools. Findings: Results disclosed that classroom management, peer support, and individualized education plan were the teachers leading instructional strategies while all instructional strategies were assessed as Effective. Pupils engagement was High while their performance in English, Mathematics, and Science subjects was Fair. Furthermore, teachers and pupils perceptions on the effectiveness of instructional strategies and their assessments on pupils engagement did not significantly differ. Conclusion: Teachers must employ varied instructional strategies to help learners effectively learn and to ensure that classrooms are inclusive to make them a more conducive place for teaching and learning.
Keywords: instructional strategies, pupils engagement, academic performance
Abstrak: Strategi Pembelajaran yang digunakan Guru Sekolah Dasar dalam Memperkuat Meningkatkan Keterlibatan dan Performa Akademik Siswa di Kelas Inklusif. Tujuan: Studi kuantitatif ini mengkonfirmasi strategi pembelajaran guru Filipina untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan dan performa akademik siswa di sekolah dasar Filipina. Metode: metode survei deskriptif digunakan dengan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data, dan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial sebagai metode statistik. Temuan: Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa pengelolaan kelas, dukungan sejawat, dan rencana pendidikan mandiri adalah strategi pengajaran utama guru. Keterlibatan siswa tergolong tinggi sedangkan performa siswa dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, dan Sains tergolong sedang. Selanjutnya, persepsi guru dan murid tentang efektivitas strategi pembelajaran dan penilaian keterlibatan murid tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Kesimpulan: Guru harus menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang bervariasi untuk membantu peserta didik belajar secara efektif dan untuk memastikan bahwa kelas menjadi tempat yang lebih kondusif untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar.
Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran, keterlibatan siswa, performa akademik.
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