English Teachers Perception of Higher Order Thinking Skills Viewed from Importance and Complexity
Abstract: English Teachers Perception of Higher Order Thinking Skills Viewed from Importance and Complexity. Objectives: This study aims at exploring the Vocational High School English teachers’ perception of its importance as well as its complexity of teaching HOTS. Methods: A mix-method approach of data collection and analysis was applied in this study. The data were obtained from 40 VHS teachers, the members of the English teacher association of Wonosobo regency, Central Java, Indonesia by using one set of close-ended questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Findings: The result indicates 1) VHS English teachers have a very high perception of the importance of teaching HOTS for their students 2) a high perception of the complexity of applying HOTS resulted from the students unreadiness and teachers lack of competence in integrating HOT in English class. Conclusion: A very positive perception of the importance of teaching HOTS among VHS teachers. It is in constrast with the high perception of the complexity of applying HOTS. Training HOTS is needed for planning, implementing and assessing HOTS.
Keywords: teachers perception, English teacher, vocational high school.
Abstrak: Persepsi Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Tentang Higher Order Thinking Skill ditinjau dari Pentingnya dan Kompleksitasl. Tujuan: Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi guru bahasa Inggris SMK pada pentingnya pembelajaran HOTS pada mapel Bahasa Inggris dan kompleksitas penerapan HOTS. Metode: Pendekatan mixed-method digunakan pada pengumpulan dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini. Data diperoleh dari 40 anggota MGMP guru bahasa Inggris SMK kabupaten Wonosobo dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan interview dan digunakan analisis deskriptif. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi guru yang sangat tinggi pada pentingnya pembelajaran HOTS di era sekarang, sementara persepsi guru pada kompleksitas dalam penerapan HOTS juga tinggi. Kesimpulan: Terdapat persepsi guru SMK yang sangat positive pada pentingnya pembelajaran HOTS, namun persepsi guru pada kompleksitas pembelajarannya masih tinggi.
Kata kunci: persepsi guru, guru Bahasa Inggris, SMK.
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Ong, E. T., Singh, T., Singh, M., Kaur, R., & Singh, A. (2020). How to cite this article: Singh, C. K. S., Gopal, R., Tek, O. E., Masa Singh, T. S., Mostafa, N. A., & Ambar Singh R. K. (2020). ESL teachers’ strategies to foster higher-order thinking skills to teach writing. 17(2), 195–226.
Poerwanti Hadi Pratiwi, Nur Hidayah, dan A. M. (2017). Pengembangan Modul Mata Kuliah Penilaian Pembelajaran Sosiologi Berorientasi Hots. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2, 201–209.
Ramasamy, S., Rahman, F. A., Ismail, H., Kalthom, U., Manaf, A., & Said, R. R. (2016). Teachers ’ Levels of Knowledge and Interest on Higher Order Thinking Skills ( HOTS ) According to the Field Taught and Category of Schools. Journal of Modern Education Review, ISSN 2155-2155-7993,USA, 6(9), 612–621. https://doi.org/10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/09.06.2016/005
Retnawati, H., Djidu, H., Apino, E., & Anazifa, R. D. (2017). Theachers’ Knowledge about Higher-Order Thinking Skills and its Learning Strategy. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 76(2), 1–16.
Rhodes, C., Stokes, M., & Hampton, G. (2004). Coaching, mentoring and peer-networking; Changing practice and raising standards. In A Practical Guide to Mentoring, Coaching and Peer-Networking.
Seman, S. C., Yusoff, W. M. W., & Embong, R. (2017). Teachers Challenges in Teaching and Learning for Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Primary School. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 7(7), 534–545. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.1.2017.77.534.545
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Susanti, A., Retnaningdyah, P., Ayu, A. N. P., & Trisusana, A. (2020). Improving EFL Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Through Collaborative Strategic Reading in Indonesia. International Journal of Asian Education, 1(2), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.46966/ijae.v1i2.37
Syafryadin, Harahap, A., Haryani, & Astrid, A. (2021). Boosting classroom interaction based on higher order thinking skills (Hots) in english learning for beginners. International Journal of Language Education, 5(1), 477–489. https://doi.org/10.26858/IJOLE.V5I1.15211
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Yoke, S. K., Hasan, N. H., Jangga, R., & Kamal, S. N. M. (2015). Innovating with HOTS for the ESL Reading Class. English Language Teaching, 8(8), 10–17. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v8n8p10
Zohar, A. (2013). Challenges in wide scale implementation efforts to foster higher order thinking (HOT) in science education across a whole school system. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 10, 233–249. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2013.06.002
Afandi, Sajidan, Akhyar, M., & Suryani, N. (2018). Pre-Service Science Teachers Perception About High Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in 21. International Journal of Pedagogi and Teacher Education, 2(1), 301–308.
Ahmad, K. (2018). The Implementation of Teaching LOTS and HOTS in English Teaching-Learning Process in Senior. RETAIN, 6(1), 121–128.
Alsowat, H. (2016). An EFL flipped classroom teaching model: Effects on English language higher-order thinking skills, student engagement and satisfaction. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(9), 108–121.
Ardini, S. N. (2017). Teachers’ Percetion, Knowledge and Behaviour of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Universitas PGRI Semarang, 8(1), 20–33.
Daud, N. M. (2017). Integrating Hots Into Language Classes In The 21 St. The 1st Education and Language International Conference, 29–36.
Fakhomah, D., & Utami, M. (2019). Pre-service English Teacher Perception about Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in the 21st Century Learning. International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching Http://E-Journal.Usd.Ac.Id/Index.Php/IJIET Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 3(1), 41–49.
Husna, N. (2019). Developing students’ critical thinking through an integrated extensive reading program. Teflin Journal, 30(2), 212–230. https://doi.org/10.15639/teflinjournal.v30i2/212-230
Indriyana, B. S., & Kuswandono, P. (2019). Developing Students� Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Reading: English Teachers� Strategies in Selected Junior High Schools. JET (Journal of English Teaching), 5(3), 204. https://doi.org/10.33541/jet.v5i3.1313
Kyriacou, C. (2007). Essential Teaching Skills, Third Edition (Third Edit). Nelson Thornes Ltd.
Mei Ardaning Tyas, J. N. M. (2020). Cultivating Students ’ Higher -Order Thinking Skills in Efl Classes : the Role of the Teacher and the. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 7(1), 267–276.
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Nomor 34, Tahun 2018, tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan SMK/MAK, (2018).
Ong, E. T., Singh, T., Singh, M., Kaur, R., & Singh, A. (2020). How to cite this article: Singh, C. K. S., Gopal, R., Tek, O. E., Masa Singh, T. S., Mostafa, N. A., & Ambar Singh R. K. (2020). ESL teachers’ strategies to foster higher-order thinking skills to teach writing. 17(2), 195–226.
Poerwanti Hadi Pratiwi, Nur Hidayah, dan A. M. (2017). Pengembangan Modul Mata Kuliah Penilaian Pembelajaran Sosiologi Berorientasi Hots. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2, 201–209.
Ramasamy, S., Rahman, F. A., Ismail, H., Kalthom, U., Manaf, A., & Said, R. R. (2016). Teachers ’ Levels of Knowledge and Interest on Higher Order Thinking Skills ( HOTS ) According to the Field Taught and Category of Schools. Journal of Modern Education Review, ISSN 2155-2155-7993,USA, 6(9), 612–621. https://doi.org/10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/09.06.2016/005
Retnawati, H., Djidu, H., Apino, E., & Anazifa, R. D. (2017). Theachers’ Knowledge about Higher-Order Thinking Skills and its Learning Strategy. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 76(2), 1–16.
Rhodes, C., Stokes, M., & Hampton, G. (2004). Coaching, mentoring and peer-networking; Changing practice and raising standards. In A Practical Guide to Mentoring, Coaching and Peer-Networking.
Seman, S. C., Yusoff, W. M. W., & Embong, R. (2017). Teachers Challenges in Teaching and Learning for Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Primary School. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 7(7), 534–545. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.1.2017.77.534.545
Silaen, S. & Widiyono. (2013). Metodologi Penelitian Sosial Untuk Penulisan Skrisi dan Tesis. In Media.
Singh, C. K. S., Singh, R. K. A., Singh, T. S. M., Mostafa, N. A., & Mohtar, T. M. T. (2018). Developing a Higher Order Thinking Skills Module for Weak ESL Learners. English Language Teaching, 11(7), 86. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v11n7p86
Susanti, A., Retnaningdyah, P., Ayu, A. N. P., & Trisusana, A. (2020). Improving EFL Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Through Collaborative Strategic Reading in Indonesia. International Journal of Asian Education, 1(2), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.46966/ijae.v1i2.37
Syafryadin, Harahap, A., Haryani, & Astrid, A. (2021). Boosting classroom interaction based on higher order thinking skills (Hots) in english learning for beginners. International Journal of Language Education, 5(1), 477–489. https://doi.org/10.26858/IJOLE.V5I1.15211
Yoke, S. K., Hasan, N. H., Jangga, R., & Kamal, S. N. M. (2015). Innovating with HOTS for the ESL Reading Class. English Language Teaching, 8(8), 10–17. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v8n8p10
Zohar, A. (2013). Challenges in wide scale implementation efforts to foster higher order thinking (HOT) in science education across a whole school system. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 10, 233–249. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2013.06.002
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