Evaluative Studies of Project-Based Mathematical Learning: Reviewed from National Standard for Education Process in Indonesia

I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan, I Putu Pasek Suryawan, I Putu Wisna Ariawan


Abstract: Evaluative Studies of Project-Based Mathematical Learning: Reviewed from National Standard for Education Process in Indonesia. Objectives: To describe the effectiveness of the implementation of project-based learning in junior high school mathematics learning in terms of process standards. Methods: This study adopted the CIPP evaluation model with state junior high school mathematics teachers as respondents.The analysis technique refers to the calculation of the T score in consultation with the Glickman quadrant prototype. Findings: T score for each variable, namely CIPP (plus minus plus plus) with a comparison for the Context variable: F plus (71.43 precent) and F minus (28.57) Inputs: F plus (28.57 pecent) and F minus (71.43 percent) Process: F plus (71.43 percent) and F- (28.57 percent), Product: F plus (71.43 percent) and F- (28.57 percent) with quite effective category. Conclusion: Project-based mathematics learning in terms of process standards is quite effective, and can be recommended to improve the quality of mathematics learning.

Keywords: evaluation of mathematical learning, project-based learning, process standards

Abstrak: Studi Evaluatif Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Projek: Ditinjau dari Standar Nasional untuk Proses Pendidikan di Indonesia. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan efektifitas penerapan pembelajaran berbasis projek pada pembelajaran matematika SMP ditinjau dari standar proses. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi evaluasi yang mengadopsi model evaluasi CIPP dengan responden guru matematika SMP negeri. Teknik analisis mengacu perhitungan skor T yang dikonsultasikan dengan prototipe kuadran Glickman. Temuan: Skor T untuk setiap variabel, yaitu CIPP (tambah kurang tambah tambah) dengan perbandingan untuk variabel Context: F tambah (71,43 persen) dan F- (28,57) Input: F tambah (28,57 persen) dan F- (71,43 persen) Process: F+ (71,43 persen) dan F- (28,57 persen), Product: F+ (71,43 persen) dan F- (28,57 persen) dengan kategori cukup efektif. Kesimpulan: Pembelajaran matematika berbasis projek ditinjau dari standar proses terlaksana cukup efektif, dan dapat direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran matematika.

Kata kunci: evaluasi pembelajaran matematika, pembelajaran berbasis projek, standar proses.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.202218

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