Analysis on Geometry Mathematics Textbooks for Grade 5 of Elementary Schools in Malaysia, China, and Indonesia
Abstract: Analysis on Geometry Mathematics Textbooks for Grade 5 of Elementary Schools in Malaysia, China, and Indonesia. Objectives: This research analyzes the differences in the geometry material presented to grade 5 students of elementary schools and determines the characteristics of the questions in mathematics textbooks. Methods: The content analysis compared the geometry materials in the best mathematics textbooks widely used in grade 5 of elementary schools in Indonesia, Malaysia, and China. The analysis discussed several important points on geometry material, including sub-chapter, chapter content, and the presentation of practice questions. Findings: The results show that 66.36 percent of questions in the Indonesian textbook asked about knowing, 24.54 percent applying, and 0.09 percent reasoning. In the Malaysian textbook, 71.42 percent of questions asked focused knowing, 23.8 percent applying, and 4.76 percent reasoning. Furthermore, 49.6 percent of questions in the Chinese textbooks asked about knowing, 30.4 percent applying, and 20 percent reasoning. Conclusions: questions on knowing had the highest percentage in the Indonesian and Malaysian textbooks but balanced in Chinese.
Keywords: mathematics textbook, geometry, Indonesian, Malaysian, China.
Abstrak: Analisis Buku Ajar Matematika Geometri Kelas 5 SD di Indonesia, Malaysia dan China. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan materi geometri yang disajikan kepada siswa kelas 5 SD dan menentukan karakteristik soal pada buku teks matematika. Metode: Analisis isi membandingkan materi geometri dalam buku teks matematika terbaik yang banyak digunakan di kelas 5 sekolah dasar di Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Cina. Analisis membahas beberapa poin penting pada materi geometri, antara lain sub bab, isi bab, dan penyajian soal latihan. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 66,36 persen pertanyaan dalam buku teks bahasa Indonesia menanyakan tentang mengetahui, 24,54 persen menerapkan, dan 0,09 persen penalaran. Dalam buku teks Malaysia, 71,42 persen pertanyaan yang diajukan terfokus mengetahui, 23,8 persen menerapkan, dan 4,76 persen penalaran. Selanjutnya, 49,6 persen pertanyaan dalam buku teks bahasa Mandarin menanyakan tentang mengetahui, 30,4 persen menerapkan, dan 20 persen penalaran. Kesimpulan: pertanyaan tentang mengetahui memiliki persentase tertinggi dalam buku teks bahasa Indonesia dan Malaysia tetapi seimbang dalam bahasa Cina.
Kata kunci: buku teks matematika, geometri, Indonsia,Malaysia, China.
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