Local Wisdom-Based Movable Book as A Teaching Material to Enhance Nationalism in the 21st Century
Abstract: Local Wisdom-Based Movable Book as A Teaching Material to Enhance Nationalism in the 21st Century. Objectives: This research investigates the effectiveness of movable book local wisdom based as a teaching material in improving students nationalism. Methods: Quasi-experiment was used with a non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study is the fourth-grade primary students. The data were measured using n-gain and independent t-test. Findings: The result shows that the n-gain of students nationalism in the experimental classes 1 and 2 were higher than the control class, such as 0.40, 0.39, and 0.29, with a moderate category for experimental classes and a low category for control class. Moreover, t-test results also showed that the value (p) was 0.000, so it significantly differences in students’ nationalism between experimental and control classes. Conclusion: Therefore, it can conclude that the movable book local wisdom-based teaching material can improve fourth-grade elementary students’ nationalism character effectively.
Keywords: 21st century, nationalism, local wisdom, teaching material, movable book.
Abstrak: Movable Book Berbasis Kearifan Lokal sebagai Bahan Ajar untuk Meningkatkan Nasionalisme Siswa di Abad 21. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang efektifitas movable book berbasis kearifan lokal sebagai bahan ajar dalam meningkatkan nasionalisme siswa. Metode: Kuasi-eksperimen menggunakan disain non-equivalent control group. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD. Data diukur menggunakan n-gain dan independent t-test. Temuan: data menunjukkan bahwa n-gain nasionalisme siswa pada kelas eksperimen 1 dan 2 lebih tinggi dari pada kelas kontrol yaitu 0.40, 0.39 dan 0.29 termasuk dalam kategori moderat untuk kelas eksperimen dan rendah untuk kelas kontrol. Selain itu hasil t-test juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai (p) adalah 0.000, sehingga hasil karakter nasionalisme siswa kelas eksperimen dan kontrol adalah signifikan. Kesimpulan: Movable book berbasis kearifan lokal terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan karakter nasionalisme siswa kelas IV SD.
Kata kunci: abad 21, nasionalisme, kearifan lokal, bahan ajar, movable book.
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