How Elementary School Teachers Integrate Technology in Social Studies Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Abstract: How Elementary School Teachers Integrate Technology in Social Studies Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Objectives: This study aims to find out how elementary school teachers integrate technology in social studies learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This study uses a phenomenological approach, then interviews and documentations are used to collect the data. There are 6 elementary school teachers who participate in this study from Yogyakarta, East Java and Bangka Belitung. Data analysis: The data required are analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques. Findings: This study finds out that teachers use technology as the main element in distance learning; synchronous learning using zoom asynchronous learning using WhatsApp, google form, google classroom, Quizizz, YouTube and the combination of both obstacles that are often faced include technical constraints, economic capacity problems, and human error. Conclusion: There are still many obstacles faced by teachers and students regarding the use of technology in social studies learning.
Keywords: elementary school teachers, technology integration, social studies, COVID-19 pandemic.
Abstrak: Bagaimana guru SD Mengintegrasikan Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran IPS di Masa Pandemi COVID-19? Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana guru sekolah dasar mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pembelajaran IPS di masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe fenomenologi kemudian teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Terdapat 6 partisipan guru SD yang tersebar di Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur dan Bangka Belitung. Analisis data Menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Temuan: Guru menggunakan teknologi sebagai elemen utama dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh pembelajaran sinkron menggunakan zoom, pembelajaran asinkron menggunakan whatsapp, google form, google classroom, Quizizz, youtube serta kombinasi keduanya; kendala umum yang sering dihadapi antara lain kendala teknis, masalah kapasitas ekonomi, dan kesalahan manusia. Kesimpulan: Masih banyak kendala yang dihadapi guru maupun siswa terkait penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran IPS.
Kata kunci: guru sekolah dasar, integrasi teknologi, ilmu pengetahuan sosial, pandemi COVID-19.
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