Implementing the Management of Character Education in SDIT Nurul Islah Banda Aceh
Abstract The purpose of this research is to know the character education program, program implementation, evaluation program and the obstacles that are found in SDIT Nurul Ishlah Banda Aceh in implementing character education. Research subject of the principal, the chairman of the foundation, the class and parents. Data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Research result showed that character education program at SDIT Nurul Ishlah is good enough, compiled before the school year begins. The implementation of character education follows a national curriculum combined with SDIT Nurul Ishlah curriculum. The teacher council prepares syllabus and lesson plan with character values, teachers can add praiseworthy traits of morality such as Siddig, Tabligh, Fatanah and Amanah. The evaluation of character education is conducted periodically and comprehensively at the end of semester, with the aim to know the aspects that need to be continuously improved.
Keywords management, character education, national curriculum.
Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Program pendidikan karakter, pelaksanaan program, evaluasi program dan kendala yang ditemukan di SDIT Nurul Ishlah Banda Aceh dalam melaksanakan pendidikan karakter. Subyek penelitian kepala sekolah, ketua yayasan, kelas dan orang tua/wali. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pendidikan karakter di SDIT Nurul Ishlah sudah cukup baik, disusun sebelum tahun ajaran dimulai. Pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter mengikuti kurikulum nasional yang dipadukan dengan kurikulum SDIT Nurul Ishlah. Majelis Guru menyusun silabus dan RPP dengan nilai-nilai karakter, guru dapat menambah akhlak terpuji seperti Siddig, Tabligh, Fatanah dan Amanah. Evaluasi pendidikan karakter dilakukan secara berkala dan menyeluruh pada akhir semester, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek yang perlu terus ditingkatkan.
Kata kunci menejemen, pendidikan karakter, kurikulum nasional.
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