Modelling the Influence of Bridging Course on the Accounting Performance of the University Students Using Educational Data Mining
Abstract: Modelling the Influence of Bridging Course on the Accounting Performance of the University Students Using Educational Data Mining. Objectives: This study intends to determine the level of performance of the students in their Bridging Course (BC) and Accounting Education (AE) courses, and to model their significant influence. Methods: Descriptive and Predictive Correlation research design was used. The Educational Data Mining technique was utilized to extract data from the database of the university. Out of 331 datasets extracted, only 281 were included in the analysis, where datasets with no grades, and with dropped marks were excluded. The datasets are the grades of the students enrolled in BC and AE 113 and 114 for the school year, 2018–2019 and 2019–2020. Findings: Results showed a very good rating of the student’s performance in all courses both bridging course and accounting education courses where it revealed a positive and linear relationship. Moreover, the model shows that an increase in the performance in the BC is an increase also in their performance in their AE courses. Conclusion: The study proved that the curriculum is serving its purpose in rendering the highest possible opportunity for students to learn basic and even advanced accounting education.
Keywords: accounting performance, bridging course, educational data mining, modelling.
Abstrak: Pemodelan Pengaruh Bridging Course Terhadap Kinerja Akuntansi Mahasiswa Menggunakan Educational Data Mining. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Bridging Course (BC) dan Accounting Education (AE), serta memodelkan pengaruh signifikan mereka. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif dan Korelasi Prediktif. Teknik Educational Data Mining digunakan untuk mengekstrak data dari database universitas. Dari 331 kumpulan data yang diekstraksi, hanya 281 yang dimasukkan dalam analisis, di mana kumpulan data tanpa nilai, dan dengan nilai yang dihapus dikeluarkan. Dataset adalah nilai siswa yang terdaftar di BC dan AE 113 dan 114 untuk tahun ajaran 2018–2019 dan 2019–2020. Temuan: Hasil menunjukkan penilaian kinerja siswa yang sangat baik di semua mata kuliah baik mata kuliah bridging maupun pendidikan akuntansi kursus di mana ia mengungkapkan hubungan positif dan linier. Selain itu, model menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kinerja di BC adalah peningkatan juga dalam kinerja mereka dalam kursus AE mereka. Kesimpulan: Studi ini membuktikan bahwa kurikulum melayani tujuannya dalam memberikan kesempatan setinggi mungkin bagi siswa untuk belajar pendidikan akuntansi dasar dan bahkan lanjutan.
Kata kunci: kinerja akuntansi, bridging course, educational data mining, pemodelan.
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