Bilingual Education Program Teachers and Students Perspectives and Challenges

Nurul Fauziah, Soni Mirizon, Sary Silvhiany


Abstract Bilingual Education Program Teachers and Students Perspectives and Challenges. Objectives The objectives of this study were to investigate the teachers and students perspectives of bilingual education program and the challenges faced. Methods In this qualitative case study, the participants were the science teachers and the tenth-graders of the program. The data were gathered using interviews and observations and were analyzed by organizing and planning the results, paying attention to data, coding the data, generating the description and themes, and reflecting descriptions and themes. Findings First, all science teachers and most students had positive perspectives and admitted the benefits of the program. Second, all the teachers and students faced challenges during the implementation of the program. Conclusion All teachers and most students positively perceived bilingual education program. However, their positivity could not free them from facing challenges. Therefore, some improvements are required to enhance the program.

Keywords bilingual education, teachers, students, perspectives, challenges.

Abstrak Program Pendidikan Dwibahasa: Perspektif dan Tantangan Guru dan Siswa. Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi perspektif guru dan siswa terhadap program pendidikan dwibahasa dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Metode Dalam penelitian kualitatif studi kasus ini, pesertanya adalah guru IPA dan siswa kelas sepuluh program tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi serta dianalisis dengan mengorganisasikan dan merencanakan hasil, memperhatikan data, mengkodekan data, membangkitkan deskripsi dan tema, serta merefleksikan deskripsi dan tema. Temuan Pertama, semua guru IPA dan sebagian besar siswa memiliki perspektif positif dan mengakui manfaat program. Kedua, semua guru dan siswa menghadapi tantangan selama pelaksanaan program. Kesimpulan Semua guru dan sebagian besar siswa memandang positif program pendidikan bilingual. Namun, kepositifan mereka tidak bisa membebaskan mereka dari menghadapi tantangan. Sehingga, diperlukan perbaikan untuk menyempurnakan program tersebut.

Kata kunci pendidikan dwibahasa, guru, siswa, perspektif, tantangan.


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