Chemistry Learning Through Practicum With Household Materials During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Abstract Learning Chemistry Through Practicum With Household Materials During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Purpose This study aims to determine student increased interest in learning and increased understanding of concepts after participating in chemistry learning through practicum using household chemical materials during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method This research was conducted through the classroom action research (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas/PTK) with three cycles of action. The research was conducted on Grade X TKJ SMKN 1 Natar Lampung Selatan with 32 students. Finding After learning, it was found that (1) there is an increase of student interest in the category of very high 79,84 percent and high amounting to 12,03 percent, other categories are the low category of 7,19 percent and 0,94 percent very low category. (2) Students understanding of chemistry concepts increased from cycle to cycle with an increase in cycle 1 to cycle 2 of 2,00 points and from cycle 2 to cycle 3 of 8,50 points. Conclusion The online chemistry study during the Covid-19 pandemic through practicum using household chemical materials can increase students’ learning interest and understanding of chemistry concepts.
Keywords Chemistry Practicum, Household Chemical materials, The Covid-19 Pandemic.
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