Assessing Digital Attitude Competence of Prospective Chemistry Teacher in Indonesia A Case of Lampung Univesity
Abstract Assessing Digital Attitude Competence of Prospective Chemistry Teacher in Indonesia A Case of Lampung Univesity. Objective: This study aims to analyze the competence of digital attitudes of chemistry teacher candidates at the University of Lampung. Methods: A total of 200 chemistry teacher candidate students at the teacher training faculty, Universitas Lampung were randomly selected as research samples. The data obtained were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis techniques, reliability, correlation, average value, and variance. Findings Analysis shows that the questionnaire items are grouped into five main factors with the Cronbach alpha coefficient and the percentage of variance as follows attitudes towards digital content creation (a is equal to 0.919 s2 is equal to 39.546 percent) attitudes towards digital information (a is equal to 0.885 s2 is equal to 7.806 percent) attitudes towards digital security (a is equal to 0.871 s2 is equal to 4.321 percent) attitudes towards digital problem solving (a is equal to 0.755 s2 3.410 percent) and attitudes towards digital information (a is equal to 0.793 s2 is equal to 2.974 percent). Conclusion The comparison of the mean and grand mean values shows that attitudes towards information and digital security are more dominant factors in how chemistry teacher students respond to digital devices that support learning.
Keywords digital attitude competence, chemistry teacher candidates, factor analysis.
Abstrak Menilai Kompetensi Sikap Digital Calon Guru Kimia di Indonesia: Suatu Kasus di Universitas Lampung. Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kompetensi sikap digital calon guru kimia di Universitas Lampung. Metode Sebanyak 200 calon mahasiswa calon guru kimia di FKIP Universitas Lampung dipilih secara acak sebagai sampel penelitian. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis faktor eksplorasi, reliabilitas, korelasi, nilai rata-rata, dan varians. Temuan Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa item kuesioner dikelompokkan menjadi lima faktor utama dengan koefisien alpha Cronbach dan persentase varians sebagai berikut sikap terhadap pembuatan konten digital (a sama dengan 0,919 s2 sama dengan 39,546 persen) sikap terhadap informasi digital (a sama dengan 0.885 s2 sama dengan 7,806 persen) sikap terhadap keamanan digital (a sama dengan 0.871 s2 sama dengan 4,321 persen) sikap terhadap pemecahan masalah digital (a sama dengan 0,755 s2 sama dengan 3,410 persen) dan sikap terhadap informasi digital (a sama dengan 0,793 s2 sama dengan 2,974 persen). Kesimpulan Perbandingan nilai mean dan grand mean menunjukkan bahwa sikap terhadap informasi dan keamanan digital merupakan faktor yang lebih dominan dalam respon siswa guru kimia terhadap perangkat digital yang mendukung pembelajaran.
Kata kunci kompetensi sikap digital, calon guru kimia, analisis faktor.
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