Analysis of The Entrepreneurial Intentions Emergence at Business and non-Business Students in Indonesia
Abstract Analysis of The Entrepreneurial Intentions Emergence at Business and non-Business Students in Indonesia. Objective This study confirm empirically the student entrepreneurial intentions (SEI) related to the study program, family background, students business experience and describing the reflection of the SEI at several universities in Indonesia. Method A survey-type quantitative approach, using descriptive, contingency, and CFA analysis. Findings The Study programs have a relationship with the emergence of SEI. In addition, the family background in doing business and the students business experience did not show a relationship with SEI in business students, but against non-business students. Conclusion Not only business study programs capable of arousing SEI, but non-business study programs can also trigger SEI, even though non-business study programs do not provide entrepreneurship learning as much as the business study program curriculum. This finding is interesting to discuss because it can explore what kind of business or non-business study programs can actually strengthen the SEI.
Keywords entrepreneurial intention, family background, business experience, study program, curriculum
Abstrak Analisis Munculnya Niat Wirausaha pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Bisnis dan Non Bisnis di Indonesia. Tujuan Mengkonfirmasi secara empiris niat berwirausaha mahasiswa (Student Entrepreneurial Intention/SEI) dikaitkan dengan program studi, latar belakang keluarga, pengalaman bisnis mahasiswa serta mendeskripsikan cerminan SEI di beberapa perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Metode Pendekatan kuantitatif berjenis survei, dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, kontingensi, dan CFA. Temuan Prodi memiliki hubungan terhadap munculnya SEI. Selanjutnya, latar belakang keluarga yang berbisnis, serta pengalaman berbisnis tidak berhubungan dengan SEI pada mahasiswa prodi bisnis, hal ini bertentangan dengan mahasiswa prodi non-bisnis. Kesimpulan Tidak hanya prodi bisnis saja yang mampu membangkitkan SEI, tetapi prodi non-bisnis juga dapat memicu munculnya SEI tidak menyediakan pembelajaran kewirausahaan sebanyak kurikulum prodi bisnis. Temuan ini menjadi menarik untuk didiskusikan karena dapat menggali prodi yang bagaimana yang dapat memperkuat munculya niat berwirausaha mahasiswa.
Kata kunci niat berwirausaha, latar belakang keluarga pebisnis, pengalaman berbisnis mahasiswa, program studi, kurikulum.
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