The Correlations among English Teachers TPACK, TISE, ITOE, and Teaching Implementation

Aresti Randika, Sofendi Sofendi, Machdalena Vianty


Abstract The Correlations among English Teachers TPACK, TISE, ITOE, and Teaching Implementation. Objectives This research is correlational research that aimed to find out the correlations among Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Technology Integration Self-Efficacy (TISE), Instructional Technology Outcome Expectation (ITOE), and Teaching Implementation. Methods TPACK-EFL Survey and Motivation of Technology Integration in Education Scale Questionnaires were distributed to 60 students of the English language teacher professional education program at Sriwijaya University in the academic year 2018/2019. Findings The findings of this research showed that the students have a high understanding level of TPACK, high level of TISE, high level of ITOE, and good in teaching implementation, and there are positive significant correlations among TPACK, TISE, ITOE, and teaching implementation. Conclusion Not only the technical equipment but also the qualified teachers who understand how to advance the ICT are very needed. Therefore, both understanding TPACK and acquiring TISE-ITOE are necessary.

Keywords Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG), TPACK, TISE, ITOE.


Abstrak: Hubungan antara TPACK, TISE, ITOE, dan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran oleh Guru Bahasa Inggris. Tujuan Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Technology Integration Self-Efficacy (TISE), Instructional Technology Outcome Expectation (ITOE), dan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran. Metode Survei TPACK-EFL dan Motivasi Integrasi Teknologi dalam Skala Pendidikan Kuesioner dibagikan kepada 60 siswa program pendidikan profesi guru bahasa Inggris di Universitas Sriwijaya pada tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Temuan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki tingkat pemahaman TPACK yang tinggi, tingkat TISE yang tinggi, tingkat ITOE yang tinggi, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang baik, serta terdapat korelasi positif yang signifikan antara TPACK, TISE, ITOE, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Kesimpulan Tidak hanya peralatan teknis tetapi juga guru-guru berkualitas yang memahami bagaimana memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman TPACK dan akuisisi TISE-ITOE diperlukan.

Kata kunci Program Profesi Guru (PPG), TPACK, TISE, ITOE.



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