Participatory Decision-Making Style of the Principals of Vocational High School in Lembah Gumanti District West Sumatra

Atik Sri Kurnia, Cepi Safruddin Abdul Jabar


Abstract: The Participatory Decision-Making Styles of the Principals of Vocational High School in Lembah Gumanti District, West Sumatera. Objective: This study aims to obtain information on teachers’ perceptions of the participatory decision-making styles of the principals of vocational high schools in Lembah Gumanti District, West Sumatera. Method: This was a quantitative descriptive study. The data sources were all teachers at Vocational High Schools in Lembah Gumanti Subdistrict, Solok Regency, with a total of 67 teachers. The research instrument was a Likert scale questionnaire with 5 alternative answers of which the validity and reliability had been assessed. The data were analyzed using the mean formula to get the respondents’ average answers. Findings: The teachers’ perceptions of the four characteristics of the principals’ participatory decision-making styles, namely: (1) low direction and high support, (2) two-way communication, (3) involving subordinates, and (4) power, show a good category with an attainment level of 76.77%. Conclusion: The principals of the vocational high schools in Lembah Gumanti District, West Sumatera has good perceptions of the participatory decision-making styles.

Keywords: participatory decision-making styles, principals, vocational high schools.


Abstrak: Gaya Pengambilan Keputusan Partisipatif Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti, Sumatera Barat. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai persepsi guru tentang gaya pengambilan keputusan partisipatif Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Di Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti, Sumatera Barat. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Sumber data berasal seluruh guru smk di kecamatan lembah gumanti kabupaten solok yaitu 67 orang guru tersebut. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa angket dalam bentuk skala Likert dengan 5 alternatif jawaban yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Data di analisis mengunakan rumus Mean untuk mendapatkan rata-rata jawaban responden. Temuan: Persepsi guru tentang empat karakteristik gaya pengambilan keputusan partisipatif kepala sekolah yaitu (1) rendah pengarahan dan tinggi dukungan, (2) komunikasi dua arah, (3) melibatkan bawahan dan (4) kekuasaan menunjukkan kategori baik dengan tingkat capaian 76,77%. Kesimpulan: Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti, Sumatera Barat memiliki persepsi baik tentang gaya pengambilan keputusan partisipatif.

Kata kunci: gaya pengambilan keputusan partisipatif, kepala sekolah, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.


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