Comparison of Problem Based Learning and Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve Students Academic Performance

John Rafafy Batlolona, Theresia Laurens, Marleny Leasa, Mariyam Batlolona, Rudolf Kempa, Javier Julian Enriquez


Abstract: Comparison of problem based learning and realistic mathematics education to improve student academic performance. Objectives: The aim of this study was to see an increase in the academic performance of island studentsin Ambon City by applying the problem based learning (PBL) learning model and realistic mathematics education (RME). Methods: This research was in the form of a descriptive qualitative study with a case study approach and a sample of 116 students. Findings: There was a significant increase in student academic performance at each meeting and learning outcomes with PBL were higher than RME. Conclusion: The PBL model is more effective in increasing students’academic performance than RMEbecause students were facilitated with online-based mediain PBL when compared to RME, so that it can attract students' attention in learning and have a significant impact on student academic performance.

Keywords: Academic performance, problem-based learning, academic realistic mathematics education


Abstrak: Perbandingan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan pendidikan matematika realistik untuk meningkatan performa akademik siswa. Tujuan: Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah melihat peningkatan performa akademik siswa kepulauan di Kota Ambon dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran problem based learning (PBL) dan realistic mathematics education (RME). Metode: Penelitian ini berupa studi kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 116 siswa. Temuan: Terjadi peningkatkan yang cukup signifikan untuk performa akademik siswa pada setiap pertemuan dan hasil belajar dengan PBL lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan RME. Kesimpulan: Model PBl lebih efektif dalam meningkatan performa akademik siswa dibandingkan dengan RME, hal ini karena pada PBL siswa difasilitasi dengan media berbasis online bila dibandingkan dengan RME, sehingga dapat menarik perhatian siswa dalam belajar dan berdampak signifikan pada performa akademik siswa.

Kata kunci: Performa akademik, pembelajaran berbasis masalah, pendidikan matematika realistik akademik


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