The Relationship Between Learning Independence and Attitude Towards Science for Junior High School Students

Astalini Astalini, Darmaji Darmaji, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Alfika Destianti


Abstract: The Relationship Between Learning Independence and Attitude Towards Science for Junior High School Students. Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between learning independence and student attitudes on science subjects in junior high school. Methods: This research is an associative quantitative research. The instrument used was a questionnaire to obtain science learning independence data. Data collection on science learning independence is done through giving questionnaires to students. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings: There are learning independece and four indicators of student attitudes towards science subjects include: (1) social implications for science; (2) attitude towards investigations in science; (3) adoption of scientific attitudes; (4) Enjoyment in learning science. The relationship between learning independence and students’ attitudes on Pearson coefficient 0.657. Conclusions: A significant and positive relationship presented by learning independence and attitudes on science subjects in junior high school.

Keywords: Learning independence; student attitudes; natural science subjects, junior high school.

Abstrak: Hubungan Antara Kemandirian Belajar dan Sikap Sains bagi Siswa SMP. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kemandirian belajar dan sikap siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA di SMP. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif asosiatif. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner untuk memperoleh data kemandirian belajar sains. Pengumpulan data tentang kemandirian belajar sains dilakukan melalui pemberian kuesioner kepada siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Temuan: Kemandirian belajar dan empat indikator sikap siswa terhadap mata pelajaran sains meliputi: (1) implikasi sosial untuk sains; (2) sikap terhadap investigasi dalam sains; (3) adopsi sikap ilmiah; (4) Kenikmatan belajar sains. Hubungan antara kemandirian belajar dan sikap siswa signifikan pada koefisien Pearson 0,657. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kemandirian belajar dan sikap terhadap sains di SMP.

Kata kunci: Kemandirian belajar; sikap siswa; mata pelajaran sains, SMP.



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