Parental involvement in fostering the character of children’s discipline at elementary school

Ismail Ismail, Yunus Busa, Tini Tini


Abstract: Parental involvement in fostering the character of child discipline in school. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore the role that parents play in improving the character of children’s discipline in school. Methods: The study population consisted of 7 elementary schools with a target sample consisting of 8 school personnel and 27 parents. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews to be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Findings: The most common problem at school is the dynamics of child discipline. The discipline of parents in their children’s education can improve discipline, self-esteem, cognitive development, social interaction skills, and academics as a whole. The role of parents in encouraging student discipline, it is clear that parents must be involved as shown by most respondents (66.67% of parents and 62.50% of teachers). Conclusions: Designing interventions aimed at harmonizing parental and teacher assessments in certain activities related to primary school education will be beneficial in fostering child discipline
character education. The results of this study also have implications for child care and protection.

Keywords: Parental involvement, school personnel, children’ discipline.

Abstrak: Keterlibatan orang tua dalam menumbuhkan karakter disiplin anak di sekolah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengeksplorasi peran  orang tua dalam meningkatkan karakter disiplin anak di sekolah. Metode: Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 7 sekolah dasar dengan 8 personil sekolah dan 27 orang tua sebagai sampel. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara untuk dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Temuan: Masalah yang paling umum di sekolah adalah dinamika disiplin anak. Keterlibatan orang tua meningkatkan disiplin, harga diri, perkembangan kognitif, keterampilan interaksi sosial, dan akademisi bagi anak secara keseluruhan. Sebagian besar responden (66,67% orang tua dan 62,50% guru) sepakat bahwa orang tua harus dilibatkan. Kesimpulan: Perancangan intervensi untuk menyelaraskan penilaian orang tua dan guru pada kegiatan tertentu yang terkait dengan pendidikan siswa sekolah dasar akan bermanfaat dalam menumbuhkan pendidikan karakter disiplin anak.

Kata kunci: Peranan orang tua, personil sekolah, disiplin anak-anak.



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