Improving Students’ Learning Achievement Through Think, Talk, and Write (TTW) Learning Mode
This study was aimed to improve students’ learning achievement on reinforced concrete construction in which the Pre-Determined Minimum Criterion of Standard Mastery (KKM) that had not reached through the implementation of Think Talk and Write (TTW) learning model. This research involved 31 students of SMK in Wonosari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The research was conducted through Classroom Action Research (CAR) in which each cycle consisted of: (1) planning, (2) acting, (3) observing, and (4) reflecting. The data were collected through observation technique, questionnaires, and documentation analyzed through quantitative and qualitative descriptive techniques. The results showed that the TTW learning model significantly improved the students’ learning outcomes which could be seen from the results of the percentage of students’ learning mastery in the first cycle with a total number of 18 (58.06%) and the second cycle with a total number of 27 students (87.1%). Therefore, there was an increase of 25.8%. In addition, the TTW learning model was able to improve student’s learning activities from the first cycle to second cycle with the average gain value of 0.3625 which indicated that the improvement of student’s learning activities was in the medium category.
Keywords: Learning, think talk and write, learning achievement.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar konstruksi Beton Bertulang yang belum mencapai kriteria ketuntasan M inimal melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk and Write (TTW). Penelitian ini melibatkan 31 siswa SMK di Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) satu siklus yang terdiri dari: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) observasi, dan (4) refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, tes angket, dan dokumentasi yang dianalisis dengan teknik kuantitatif dan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran TTW secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan pencapaian hasil belajar siswa. Hasil tersebut ditunjukkan dari hasil persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa pada siklus pertama dengan jumlah 18 siswa menunjukkan persentase sebesar 58,06% dan siklus kedua dengan jumlah 27 siswa menunjukkan persentase sebesar 87,1%, sehingga terdapat kenaikan 25,8 %. Selain itu, model pembelajaran TTW mampu meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dari siklus pertama ke siklus kedua dengan nilai rerata gain yaitu, 0,3625 yang mengindikasikan bahwa peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa berada dalam kategori sedang.
Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, think talk and write, prestasi belajar.
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