Development of Geogebra Applets of Equation and Square Functions for Ninth Grade of Junior High School Students
Abstract The purpose of this research is to make learning media that meet the quality requirements of learning media. There are three objectives targeted in this study, namely, Knowing the characteristics of the media, knowing the practicality, and knowing the effectiveness of the media. This type of research is research and development using a 4-D development model. The stages of developing the 4-D model used include the definition stage, the design stage, and the development stage. These stages produce GeoGebra applet learning media which consists of 3 applet media that have been tested for feasibility with an average of 4.48 in the Very Eligible criteria. The learning media produced have been tested for their practicality, seen from the results of the analysis of the average teacher response questionnaire scores and student responses, which are 5.0 and 4.5 which have a very good practicality level. And this media has been proven effective in learning. This can be seen from the classical completeness with the percentage of classical completeness 84.37 percent. The conclusion is that the GeoGebra applet learning media is practical and effective to train students' conceptual understanding IX grade junior high school on equations and quadratic functions
Keywords GeoGebra applet, 4-D development model, quadratic equations and functions.
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian yakni membuat media pembelajaran yang memenuhi persyaratan kualitas media pembelajaran, Ada tiga tujuan yang disasar dalam penelitian ini yakni, Mengetahui karakteristik media, mengetahui kepraktisan, dan mengetahui keefektifan media. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D. Tahapan pengembangan model 4-D yang digunakan meliputi tahap pendefinisian, tahap desain, dan tahap pengembangan. Tahapan tersebut menghasilkan media pembelajaran applet GeoGebra yang terdiri dari 3 media applet yang sudah diuji kelayakannya dengan rata-rata sebesar 4,48 dalam kriteria Sangat Layak. Media pembelajaran yang dihasilkan telah teruji kepraktisannya dilihat dari hasil analisis rata-rata skor angket respon guru dan respon siswa adalah 5,0 dan 4,5 yang memiliki tingkat kepraktisan sangat baik. Serta media ini telah teruji efektif dalam pembelajaran. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari ketuntasan klasikal dengan persentase ketuntasan klasikal 84,37 persen. Kesimpulannya bahwa media pembelajaran applet GeoGebra praktis dan efektif untuk melatih pemahaman konsep siswa SMP kelas IX pada materi persamaan dan fungsi kuadrat.
Kata kunci: applet GeoGebra, model pengembangan 4-D, persamaan dan fungsi kuadrat.
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