Development of Structured Inquiries-based Live Workssheet with Chemical Representations to Improve Students Higher Order Thinking Skills

Suci Firma Dewi, Minda Azhar, Indang Dewata, Yerimadesi Yerimadesi, Eka Sovia, Nofrianto Nofrianto


Abstract: Twenty-first century learning means learning designed for millennials to keep up with modern technology. as a result, it requires students to master four learning skills (4Cs), namely: critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration. These four skills support students in the learning process now. This study aims uncover the validity, practicality and effectiveness of structured inquiry-based e-modules that use representation to improve student HOTS. The research means research and development (R and D) and the Plomp development model. The query-based E-Module buffer solution is structured and a 3-layer representation is created based on the Plomp development example, which is divided into 3 stages, namely: preliminary research; prototyping; and the assessment stage. The validity test was analyzed using aikens V derived formula from which validity will occur obtained 0.85 with the category valid. what will happen is that the structured inquiry-based buffer solution module is valid and easy to use for chemical learners.

Keywords: e-modules, buffer solutions, live worksheets, multiple representations, structured inquiry

Abstrak: Pembelajaran abad 21 artinya pembelajaran yang dirancang buat generasi abad 21 supaya bisa mengikuti perkembangan teknologi modern. sebagai akibatnya menuntut siswa buat menguasai empat keterampilan belajar (4C), yaitu: berpikir kritis (Critical Thinking), kreativitas (Creativity), komunikasi (Communication) serta kolaborasi (Collaboration). Keempat keterampilan ini mendukung siswa pada proses pembelajaran abad 21 mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan buat mengungkap validitas, praktikalitas dan keefektifan e-modul berbasis inkuiri terstruktur yg memakai representasi uuntuk meningkatkan HOTS peserta didik. Penelitian tersebut artinya penelitian serta pengembangan (R dan D) dan model pengembangan Plomp. Solusi buffer E-Module berbasis query terstruktur dan representasi 3 lapis dibuat berdasarkan contoh pengembangan Plomp, yg dibagi menjadi 3 tahap, yaitu penelitian pendahuluan; termin prototyping; dan tahap penilaian. Uji validitas dianalisis menggunakan rumus Aiken’s V berasal yang akan terjadi validitas diperoleh 0,85 dengan kategori kevalidan sangat valid. yang akan terjadi penelitian menerangkan bahwa modul larutan penyangga berbasis inkuiri terstruktur sudah valid serta mudah saat dipakai buat pembelajara kimia.

Kata kunci: e-modul, larutan penyangga, live worksheet, multipel representasi, inkuiri terstruktur.


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