Mathematic Reasoning Ability Based on Cognitive Style Field Dependent, Field Intermediate, and Field Independent

Afifah Afifah, Slamet Soro, Ayu Faradillah


Abstract This study aims to see the effect of 3 types of cognitive styles on students mathematical reasoning abilities. According to previous research, there has been no research that discusses the 3 types of cognitive styles on mathematical reasoning abilities. The method in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. The total population of this study was 32 people who sat in SMA class X MIPA A. The selection of subjects in this study was viewed from the top results based on 3 categories of field dependent cognitive style, intermediate field and field independent. So that the main sample is 3 people by representing each category of cognitive style. The selected subjects will be given a follow-up test, namely an interview test related to mathematical reasoning abilities. The results of this study indicate that the intermediate field cognitive style category has higher mathematical reasoning abilities. The conclusion is that the type of student's cognitive style affects the results of mathematical reasoning abilities. Therefore, the teacher's task is to pay more attention to students mathematical reasoning abilities according to their respective characteristics.


Keywords mathematical reasoning ability, cognitive style, field dependent, field intermediate and field independent


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari 3 tipe gaya kognitif terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa. Menurut penelitian sebelumya belum ada penelitian yang membahas pada 3 tipe gaya kognitif terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah pendektakan deskriptif kualitatif. Jumlah populasi penelitian ini 32 orang yang duduk dibangku SMA kelas X Mipa A. Pemilihan subjek dalam penelitian ini ditinjau dari hasil teratas berdasarkan 3 kategori gaya kognitif field dependent, field intermediate dan field independent.  Sehingga yang menjadi sampel utama sebanyak 3 oraang dengan mewakili setiap kategori gaya kogntif. Subjek yang terpilih akan diberikan tes lanjutan yaitu tes wawancara terkait soal kemampuan penalaran matematis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kategori gaya kognitif field intermediate memiliki kemampuan penalaran matematis lebih tinggi. Kesimpulannya bahwa tipe gaya kognitif siswa mempengaruhi hasil kemampuan penalaran maematis. Oleh sebab itu, tugas guru lebih memperhatikan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa sesuai dengan karakteristiknya masing-masing.


Kata kunci kemampuan penalaran matematis, gaya kognitif, field dependent, field intermediate dan field independent.


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