Development of REACT-Based E-Module to Improve Students Scientific Literacy Ability in Buffer Solution
Abstract The buffer solution e-module based on the REACT strategy (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Collaborating, Transferring) has been developed and analysed for its validity and practicality levels to assist the learning process of students to train students' scientific literacy skills. This research belongs to the type of EDR (Educational Design). Research) with the Plomp model. The research tools used were interview forms, validity questionnaires, and practicality. This e-module has been verified by six expert reviews, and 9 students became research subjects in this development research. Data were analysed using Aikens'V formula, and practicality percentage. Analysis of the validity of the questionnaire data showed an Aikens' V average score of 0.89 (for construct validity). Analysis of the practicality questionnaire data showed an average score of 83% and 83% (for small groups and field practice tests). Data analysis shows that the e-module has a high level of validity and practicality. Therefore, it can be concluded that the buffer solution e-module teaching material based on the REACT strategy is valid and practical so that it is feasible to use it in learning to train students' scientific literacy skills.
Keywords e-module, REACT strategy, buffer solution, scientific literacy
Abstrak E-modul larutan penyangga berbasis strategi REACT (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Collaborating, Transfering) telah dikembangkan dan dianalisis tingkat validitasnya serta tingkat praktikalitas untuk membantu proses pembelajaran peserta didik agar melatih kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik. Penelitian ini tergolong jenis EDR (Educational Design). Research) dengan model Plomp. Alat penelitian yang digunakan adalah formulir wawancara, angket validitas, dan kepraktisan. E-modul ini telah diverifikasi oleh enam expert review, dan 9 peserta didik menjadi subjek penelitian dalam penelitian pengembangan ini. Data dianalisis menggunakan rumus Aikens'V dan persentase kepraktisan. Analisis validitas data angket menunjukkan skor rata-rata Aikens' V 0,89 (untuk validitas konstruk). Analisis data angket kepraktisan menunjukkan skor rata-rata 83% dan 83% (untuk kelompok kecil dan uji praktik lapangan). Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa e-modul memiliki tingkat validitas dan kepraktisan yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar E-modul larutan penyangga berbasis strategi REACT adalah valid dan praktis sehingga sudah layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran untuk melatih kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik.
Kata kunci: e-modul, strategi REACT, larutan penyangga, literasi sains.
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