Development of a Simple and Low-Cost Light Diffraction Props for Teaching and Learning Optics during Covid 19 Outbreak

Kartini Herlina, B. Anggit Wicaksono, Doni Andra, I Dewa Putu Nyeneng


Abstract The Covid 19 pandemic forces the learning process to be carried out in a blended learning manner that combines face-to-face and synchronous learning. This study aims to share the implementation of experiments that we have carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially on optics material for high schools involving prospective physics teacher students. This study uses a descriptive research method with the research subject being Physics Education students, FKIP University of Lampung, with a sample of 2017 Physics Education students who are taking Optics lectures.The results of this study are in the form of optical learning media that have been designed by students while attending lectures with distinctive characteristics made from low cost material and using simple technologies. This study proves that physics experiments can be carried out by utilizing learning media in the form of low-cost material teaching aids. In addition, physics experiments can be carried out directly without a complicated preparation. Learning activities that utilize this kind of teaching aids will certainly train students' science process skills, procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge that is improved through hands-on activities and mind-on activities during the learning process.

Keywords blended learning, teaching aids, science process skills, hands-on activity, mind-on activity

Abstract Pandemi Covid 19 memaksa proses pembelajaran harus dilaksanakan secara blended learning yang menggabungkan pembelajaran face to face dengan sinkronous. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk sharing pelaksanaan eksperimen yang telah kami lakukan selama pandemi Covid-19 khususnya pada materi optika untuk sekolah menengah yang melibatkan mahasiswa calon guru fisika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Lampung, dengan sampel mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika angkatan 2017 yang sedang mengikuti perkuliahan Optika. Hasil penelitian ini berupa media pembelajaran optik yang telah dirancang oleh mahasiswa selama mengikuti perkuliahan dengan ciri khas berbahan murah serta memanfaatkan teknologi-teknologi sederhana. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa percobaan fisika dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran berupa alat peraga berbahan murah. Selain itu percobaan fisika dapat dilakukan secara langsung tanpa perlu adanya persiapan yang cukup rumit. Aktivitas pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan alat peraga semacam ini tentu akan melatih keterampilan proses sains peserta didik, melatih pengetahuan prosedural dan konseptual yang terasah melalui kegiatan hands-on activity dan mind-on activity selama proses pembelajaran. Keywords: pembelajaran campuran, alat peraga, keterampilan proses sains, aktivitas langsung,, aktivitas pikiran


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