What Methods are used for Statistical Reasoning Learning A Systematic Literature Review

Farid Gunadi, Dadang Juandi


Abstract: A students statistical reasoning ability is needed as a good and precise foundation, so that a teacher is demanded to use the proper methods to improve students statistical reasoning. This research aims to know the appropriate methods used to improve students statistical reasoning ability and the methods steps. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is employed in three steps. The SLR stages are carried out in three stages, namely Planning the Review, Conducting the Review, Reporting and Disseminating. Article searching by using Harzing’s Publish or Perish Application and data analysis using atlas.ti with coding Histoorical Background, Context Solution, Research Questions or Objectives, Methodology, Conclusions, and Findings. The findings of statistical reasoning learning are Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE), Experiential Learning, Blended Learning, 4MAT learning style system, and Brain-based Learning. From those methods, Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment is used primarily in the learning process.


Keywords: statistical reasoning, systematic literature review, publish or perish.


Abstrak: Kemampuan penalaran statistik siswa dibutuhkan sebagai bekal bernalar statistik siswa dengan baik dan tepat, sehingga Guru dituntut untuk dapat menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang tepat dalam penerapan penalaran statistik siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode seperti apa untuk pembelajaran penalaran statistik dan bagaimana tahapan metode tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Sitematics Literature Riview (SLR). Adapun tahapan SLR yang dilaksanakan melalui tiga tahap yaitu Planing the Review, Conducting the Riview, Reporting and disseminating. Pencarian artikel dengan aplikasi Harzings Publish or Perish dan analis data menggunakan atlas.ti dengan coding Histoorical Background, Context Solution, Research Question or Objectives, Metodologi, Conclusion, dan Finding. Adapun temuan metode pembelajaran penalaran stastistik diantaranya Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE), Experiental Learning, Blended Learning, 4MAT learning style system, dan Brain Based Learning. Selanjutnya dari sekian metode pembelajaran statistic reasoning yang banyak digunakan adalah metode Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE). 

Kata kunci: penalaran matematis, tinjauan literatur sistematis, publish or perish.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpmipa/v23i2.pp345-359

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