Development of a Problem Solving Oriented Interactive E Module as a Learning Media on the Topic of Biodiversity
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to obtain an interactive e-module learning media oriented to the problem-solving skills of biodiversity materials that are valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is 4D model development research (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The results found that the validity test of the assessment of material expert validators, media experts, and teachers was sequentially scored 95.10 percent, 85.83 percent, and 94.17 percent (very good). The practicality test for the implementation of learning in small groups and large group trials was scored 94.12 percent, student activity was sequentially scored 85 percent and 87.62 percent, and student responses were sequentially scored 85 percent and 87.9 percent (all of these results belonged to the category of very practical). The effectiveness test of the N Gain value in small group trials (0.64 quite effective) and large groups (0.70 effective). In conclusion, the module developed is valid, practical, and effective in Biology learning process at SMA Negeri 2 Gorontalo.
Keywords: e-module, problem solving skill, research and development.
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian yaitu memperoleh media pembelajaran e-modul interaktif berorientasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada materi keanekaragaman hayati yang berkriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa uji validitas dari penilaian validator ahli materi, ahli media, dan guru secara urut mendapat skor 95.10 persen, 85.83 persen, dan 94.17 persen (sangat baik). Uji kepraktisan untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada uji coba kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar masing-masing mendapat skor 94.12 persen, aktivitas siswa secara urut mendapat skor 85 persen, dan 87.62 persen, serta respon siswa secara urut mendapat skor 85 persen, dan 87.9 persen(semua hasil tersebut termasuk kategori sangat praktis). Uji efektivitas dari nilai N Gain pada uji coba kelompok kecil (0.64 cukup efektif) dan kelompok besar (0.70 efektif). Kesimpulannya bahwa e modul yang dikembangkan valid, praktis, dan efektif digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran Biologi di SMA Negeri 2 Gorontalo.
Kata kunci: e modul, kemampuan pemecahan masalah, penelitian pengembangan.
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